DEPARTMENT: Editor's letter
This is my last editorial as Editor-in-Chief of Communications, so it is a moment to share learnings and, of course, to reflect on accomplishments.
Andrew A. Chien
Page 5
As we celebrate ACM's 75th Anniversary this year, it seems a fitting time to consider the community that ACM has fostered.
Gabriele Kotsis, Vicki L. Hanson
Page 7
Inventing an imaginary company helped me imagine how powerful it can be to have data available that permits fact-based analysis of business performance, projections for future business operations, and understanding of the marketplace …
Vinton G. Cerf
Page 9
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the editor
Thank you for addressing the danger posed by the current Chinese government's imperialistic ambitions, using every tool at its disposal, including technology and foreign visitors (January 2022
Communications Editor's Letter). …
CACM Staff
Pages 10-11
Andrei Sukhov considers why and how the foundations of teaching mathematics for information technology specialties need to be revised.
Andrei Sukhov
Pages 14-15
Jack J. Dongarra is the recipient of the 2021 ACM A.M. Turing Award for his pioneering contributions to numerical algorithms and libraries that enabled high-performance computational software to keep pace with exponential hardware …
Neil Savage
Pages 16-18
Kernel methods clarify why neural networks generalize so well.
Don Monroe
Pages 19-20
Labor shortages have many companies turning to automation technology, but with mixed outcomes.
Logan Kugler
Pages 21-23
Depending on climate conditions, the availability of renewables and other factors, immersion cooling can make a profound difference in both energy consumption and costs.
Samuel Greengard
Pages 24-26
COLUMN: The profession of IT
How detachment from your community blocks your success at leading innovations, and what to do about it.
Peter J. Denning
Pages 28-31
COLUMN: Inside risks
Considering how to achieve the long-term goal to systemically reduce risks.
Peter G. Neumann
Pages 32-35
COLUMN: Kode Vicious
Rearranging buckets for no good reason.
George Neville-Neil
Pages 36-37
COLUMN: Viewpoint
Efficiencies delivered by computing technology could play a vital role in enabling continued functionality within a resource-constrained future.
Bran Knowles, Kelly Widdicks, Gordon Blair, Mike Berners-Lee, Adrian Friday
Pages 38-40
SECTION: Practice
The time is (also) way overdue for IT professional liability.
Poul-Henning Kamp
Pages 42-43
Software engineering teams can exploit attackers' human nature by building deception environments.
Kelly Shortridge, Ryan Petrich
Pages 44-53
SECTION: Contributed articles
The growing popularity of computational workflows is also a cause for concern. How can we enjoy the common benefits of the workflows and eliminate the risks?
Michael R. Crusoe, Sanne Abeln, Alexandru Iosup, Peter Amstutz, John Chilton, Nebojša Tijanić, Hervé Ménager, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Bogdan Gavrilović, Carole Goble, The CWL Community
Pages 54-63
Perspectives on the role and responsibility of the data-management research community in designing, developing, using, and overseeing automated decision systems.
Julia Stoyanovich, Serge Abiteboul, Bill Howe, H. V. Jagadish, Sebastian Schelter
Pages 64-74
SECTION: Review articles
Improving the peer review process in a scientific manner shows promise.
Nihar B. Shah
Pages 76-87
SECTION: Research highlights
"Resolution of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform Conjecture," by Dominik Kempa and Tomasz Kociumaka, finally settles the question of how well r in the BWT captures repetitiveness.
Gonzalo Navarro
Page 90
In this paper, we show that r =
(z log2 n) holds for every text. This result has numerous implications for text indexing and data compression.
Dominik Kempa, Tomasz Kociumaka
Pages 91-98
"SoundWatch," by Dhruv Jain et al., provides an example of HCI research's vital role in designing architectures that trade off different computational capabilities and latencies.
Jeffrey P. Bigham
Page 99
We present SoundWatch, a smartwatch-based deep learning application to sense, classify, and provide feedback about sounds occurring in the environment.
Dhruv Jain, Hung Ngo, Pratyush Patel, Steven Goodman, Khoa Nguyen, Rachel Grossman-Kahn, Leah Findlater, Jon Froehlich
Pages 100-108
COLUMN: Last byte
ACM A.M. Turing Award recipient Jack Dongarra never intended to work with computers.
Leah Hoffmann
Pages 112-ff