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Communications of the ACM

Letters to the editor

More on Computing's Divided Future

Letters to the Editor, illustration


Thank you so much for addressing the danger posed by the current Chinese government's imperialistic ambitions, using every tool at its disposal, including technology and foreign visitors (January 2022 Communications Editor's Letter). Considering how we have come to accept Chinese government atrocities in Tibet, you were at least honest enough to remind us of how Hong Kong is being subjugated, to the detriment of diversity. As reported in the New York Times (Jan. 30, 2022): "The Chinese Communist Party has found the best model for controlling people," "honed its powers to track and corral people, backed by upgraded technology …". "This amounts to a potent techno-authoritarian tool."

I would, however, contest the assertion "The situation is not one-sided" as contrasted with China's "… stark undermining of Hong Kong's basic law, and the violent suppression of its free press …" versus "the U.S. government has taken actions that discourage collaboration with Chinese institutions and researchers. Companies have been put on the entity list, blocking contact, and universities labeled as having military ties, limiting their students' study in the U.S." It is a matter of China's policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion versus the U.S. defending itself from attack and infiltration.


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