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Communications of the ACM

Europe Region special section: Hot topics

Trends in Computer Science Research within European Countries

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European institutes provide major worldwide contributions to research in multiple computer science (CS) domains. In 2020 alone, one million CS papers were published worldwide, over a third by European researchers. We used Microsoft Academic Graph,a with nearly 5.5 million CS-related papers published by European institutes, across 34 CS subfields, to empirically evaluate European research and collaborations (see Figure 1). These findings provide value insight that policymakers could use in considering where to lead European CS when distributing budgets, by either encouraging leading fields and collaborations or strengthening those that fall behind.

Figure 1. The number of European publications in different subfields, normalized by the total European CS publications.

In the last decade, 30% of worldwide CS publications were of European origin. For comparison, North America leads with 33% and Asia provides 30% of worldwide CS publications. Interestingly, in terms of worldwide attention, Europe also holds 30% of worldwide CS citations, while North America impressively approaches nearly half (47%) of them, Asia following third with 16%. Other continents offer less than 6% contribution to total CS output and citations.


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