Credit: Crossref
In January 2020, ACM launched an ambitious five-year plan to transition the Association into an Open Access Publisher. The foundation of that plan is a new model called ACM Open, which asks research institutions around the world to underwrite the costs of publication for their affiliated authors. Over the past two years, nearly 200 research institutions have already signed on to ACM Open and ACM is fast approaching the first major milestone for the transition, when approximately 20% of ACM's newly published articles are Open Access upon publication in the ACM Digital Library.
If you are an ACM author and would like all of your future ACM articles published Open Access, please contact your institution's librarian(s) and express your interest and support for ACM Open, or contact ACM at https://[email protected]
ACM would like to thank and acknowledge those early adopting institutions for their support and willingness to lead the way! Please find below this ever-growing list of institutions that have signed on to ACM Open.
Aston University
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