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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editor's letter

Four Aspirations for ACM 2032

To fulfill its responsibility as the world's preeminent computing professional society, the ACM must transform itself to lead.

ACM at 75

Throughout 2022, in both social media and publications, we will be highlighting ACM's 75-year role in promoting technical excellence and fostering professional growth.
DEPARTMENT: Departments

War and Tech (and ACM)

The West has responded to Russia's invasion of Ukraine with punitive economic sanctions. In one fell swoop, the efficient, (almost) unified world of global technology has come apart.
DEPARTMENT: Career paths in computing

How a Shopping Mall Trip Inspired Me to Work in Neuro-Symbolic AI

I'll never forget the time — at just six years of age — when my father showed me a toy robot holding a tray and told me that very soon there will be actual robot helpers in our home working for us.

Thanks for the Progress to Date!

Nearly 200 research institutions have signed on to ACM Open, and the Association is fast approaching the first major milestone for the transition to an Open Access Publisher.
DEPARTMENT: ACM's election

ACM's 2022 General Election: Please take this opportunity to vote

Meet the candidates who introduce their plans — and stands — for the Association.

Modern Tech Can't Shield Your Secret Identity

Jason Hong considers how modern computing technologies would undermine superheroes' anonymity.

Neural Networks Learn to Speed Up Simulations

Physics-informed machine learning is gaining attention, but suffers from training issues.

Raising Robovoices

New systems can model and synthesize voices, and even translate them into other languages.

Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health

How AI can be used to improve diagnosis of mental health conditions.
COLUMN: Law and Technology

Two Paths for Digital Disability Law

Understanding the legal drivers of efforts to make technology accessible.
COLUMN: Security

Cybersecurity as Illuminator for the Future of Computing Research

Considering the shifting fundamentals of cybersecurity research.
COLUMN: Education

Toward Justice in Computer Science through Community, Criticality, and Citizenship

Proposing a justice-centered CS education.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Information: 'I' vs. 'We' vs. 'They'

Seeking a balance between protecting and using personal data.
SECTION: Practice

It Takes a Community: The Open Source Challenge

A discussion with Reynold Xin, Wes McKinney, Alan Gates, and Chris McCubbin.

Meaning and Context in Computer Programs

Sharing domain knowledge among programmers using the source code as the medium.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Explorations in Cyber-Physical Systems Education

Explorations in CPS education and related research projects over the past two decades unveil where CPS learning is headed.

The Go Programming Language and Environment

Released as open source in November 2009, Go has become the foundation for critical infrastructure at every major cloud provider. Its creators look back on how Go got here and why it has stuck around.

A Data-Driven Exploration of the Race between Human Labor and Machines in the 21st Century

To understand automation and the future of work, this study explores how human labor competes, or cooperates, with technology in performing a range of tasks.
SECTION: Review articles

Artificial Intelligence for Synthetic Biology

The opportunities and challenges of adapting and applying AI principles to synbio.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: 'What Is the Ideal Operating System?'

The authors of "Set the Configuration for the Heart of the OS" put a fresh view on the practicability of automatic kernel debloating.

Set the Configuration for the Heart of the OS: On the Practicality of Operating System Kernel Debloating

This paper presents a study on the practicality of operating system kernel debloating, that is, reducing kernel code that is not needed by the target applications.

Technical Perspective: Balancing At All Loads

"Rateless Codes for Near-Perfect Load Balancing in Distributed Matrix-Vector Multiplication" addresses the problem of selecting code rates to optimize system performance by making the codes rateless.

Rateless Codes for Near-Perfect Load Balancing in Distributed Matrix-Vector Multiplication

We propose a rateless fountain coding strategy and prove that its latency is asymptotically equal to ideal load balancing, and it performs asymptotically zero redundant computations.
COLUMN: Last byte

Agent Provocateur

FBI agents Saskia Lipcott and Dinah Carter have one last chance to evade Dupin's corrupt AI.