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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Departments

ACM for the Public Good

The ACM 4.0 Initiative aims to lay the foundations of ACM for the next 25 years on issues of service to society and to ACM members, ACM membership, ACM finances, and internal processes.
DEPARTMENT: Career Paths in Computing

A Career Built on Using Technology to Help Others

Everyone deserves the access and opportunity to have a good and fulfilling life. Technologies can only contribute toward this goal when they are designed from an understanding of what makes a life good for the people concerned …

Securing Data for Business Telephones

Cybersecurity consultant Alex Tray looks at potential security issues, and solutions, for business telephone systems.

AlphaFold Spreads through Protein Science

Based on machine learning, DeepMind's code now lies at the heart of a variety of protein-structure tools and workflows. It may ultimately be replaced by models that are bigger but faster.

Locking Down Secure Open Source Software

Can even secure open source software ever be considered truly safe?

Women in Computer Science Are Making Strides

Computer science is still not a level playing field for those women who majored in it and choose to pursue it as a career.
COLUMN: Law and Technology

Do the Right Thing

Exploring the intersection of legal compliance and ethical judgment.
COLUMN: Security

Updates, Threats, and Risk Management

Revisiting a recent column considering security updates.
COLUMN: Education

Putting a Teaspoon of Programming into Other Subjects

Using teaspoon languages to integrate programming across myriad academic disciplines.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Ethics as a Participatory and Iterative Process

Facilitating ethical reflection, inquiry, and deliberation.

Please Report Your Compute

Seeking consistent means of measure.

Long-Term Mentoring for Computer Science Researchers

Reaching out across computer science research communities.

NSF on Chien's Grand Challenge for Sustainability

This Viewpoint focuses on ways the computing community can contribute broadly to environmental sustainability and identifies NSF Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering research programs supporting these …
SECTION: Practice

Reinventing Backend Subsetting at Google

Designing an algorithm with reduced connection churn that could replace deterministic subsetting.

Research for Practice: The Fun in Fuzzing

The debugging technique comes into its own.
SECTION: Contributed Articles

From Code Complexity Metrics to Program Comprehension

Understanding code depends not only on the code but also on the brain.

Development Use Cases for Semantics-Driven Modeling Languages

Choosing underlying semantic theories and definition techniques must closely follow intended use cases for the modeling language.
SECTION: Review Articles

Unlocking the Potential of Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Exploring the transformational potential of FHE and the path toward adoption of its "stack."

Disentangling Hype from Practicality: On Realistically Achieving Quantum Advantage

What are the promising applications to realize quantum advantage?
SECTION: Research Highlights

Technical Perspective: Finding Connections between One-Way Functions and Kolmogorov Complexity

"Toward Basing Cryptography on the Hardness of EXP," by Yanyi Liu and Rafael Pass, establishes surprisingly tight bidirectional connections between one-way functions and the cross-domain notion of Kolmogorov complexity.

Toward Basing Cryptography on the Hardness of EXP

We show that the only "gap" toward getting (infinitely-often) OWFs from the assumption that EXP ≠ BPP is the seemingly "minor" technical gap between two-sided error and errorless average-case hardness of the MKtP problem.
COLUMN: Last Byte

ChatGPT, Can You Tell Me a Story?

An exercise in challenging the true creativity of generative AI.