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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorEsther Shein

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Shining a Light on the Dark Web
From Communications of the ACM

Shining a Light on the Dark Web

How the Dark Web continues to operate, and why law enforcement will not shut it down anytime soon.

. . . And the Computer Plays Along
From Communications of the ACM

. . . And the Computer Plays Along

Software can improvise on the spot to accompany the performance of live musicians.

Preserving the Past with Immersive Technologies
From Communications of the ACM

Preserving the Past with Immersive Technologies

Digital technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and holograms allow museums and other institutions to preserve historical events and tell stories...

Applied AI Teaches Handwriting
From Communications of the ACM

Applied AI Teaches Handwriting

In an increasingly digital world, how do you teach students cursive handwriting?

Neurotechnology and the Law
From Communications of the ACM

Neurotechnology and the Law

How closely should implants be regulated?

Using Makeup to Block Surveillance
From Communications of the ACM

Using Makeup to Block Surveillance

Altering one's facial features with a special type of makeup can keep them from being recognized by artificial intelligence.

Converting Laws to Programs
From Communications of the ACM

Converting Laws to Programs

In highly regulated industries, it is critical that laws are translated precisely into code that reflects their intent.

Filtering for Beauty
From Communications of the ACM

Filtering for Beauty

Social media "influencers" use augmented reality filtering apps to appear more beautiful, together, and cool. Results may vary.

Softening Up Robots
From Communications of the ACM

Softening Up Robots

Giving robots soft, artificial skin would enable them to work more closely with people.

How Universities Deploy Student Data
From Communications of the ACM

How Universities Deploy Student Data

Personalizing efforts to drive greater student retention and success.

Who Owns 3D Scans of Historic Sites?
From Communications of the ACM

Who Owns 3D Scans of Historic Sites?

Three-dimensional scanning can be used to protect or rebuild historic structures, but who owns that digital data?

The Dangers of Automating Social Programs
From Communications of the ACM

The Dangers of Automating Social Programs

Is it possible to keep bias out of a social program driven by one or more algorithms?

Combating Cancer With Data
From Communications of the ACM

Combating Cancer With Data

Supercomputers will sift massive amounts of data in search of therapies that work.

Computing the Arts
From Communications of the ACM

Computing the Arts

Artists can use software to create art, and some software creates art all on its own.

Games that Teach Coding
From ACM News

Games that Teach Coding

A growing number of games seek to introduce the concepts of programming to young players.

Preserving the Internet
From Communications of the ACM

Preserving the Internet

Is the Internet ephemeral by its nature, or can it be archived?

Companies Proactively Seek Out Internal Threats
From Communications of the ACM

Companies Proactively Seek Out Internal Threats

Organizations must balance their concerns with the protection of employee privacy.

Teaching Computers with Illusions
From Communications of the ACM

Teaching Computers with Illusions

Exploring the ways human vision can be fooled is helping developers of machine vision.

Python For Beginners
From Communications of the ACM

Python For Beginners

A survey found the language in use in introductory programming classes in the top U.S. computer science schools.

Computing What Fits
From Communications of the ACM

Computing What Fits

New apps and pods improve the virtual and actual retail experiences by ensuring clothing and cosmetics look good on you before you buy them.
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