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subjectComputer Applications
authorMIT News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Engineers Build LEGO-Like AI Chip
From ACM TechNews

Engineers Build LEGO-Like AI Chip

An international team of  researchers has developed an artificial intelligence chip that is stackable and reconfigurable, similar to LEGO bricks.

CRISPR-Based Map Ties Every Human Gene to Its Function
From ACM TechNews

CRISPR-Based Map Ties Every Human Gene to Its Function

A group of researchers have published the first comprehensive functional map of genes expressed in human cells.

Unpacking Black-Box Models
From ACM TechNews

Unpacking Black-Box Models

A mathematical framework aims to quantify and evaluate the understandability of a machine learning model's explanations for its predictions.

An Easier Way to Teach Robots New Skills
From ACM TechNews

An Easier Way to Teach Robots New Skills

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a machine learning method that enables robots to acquire new skills using a handful of human examples...

Making Quantum Circuits More Robust
From ACM TechNews

Making Quantum Circuits More Robust

A team led by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a framework to make quantum circuits more resilient to noise.

Generating a Realistic 3D World
From ACM TechNews

Generating a Realistic 3D World

Researchers developed the ThreeDWorld platform to simulate high-fidelity audio and visual environments.

Toward Speech Recognition for Uncommon Spoken Languages
From ACM TechNews

Toward Speech Recognition for Uncommon Spoken Languages

The new Prune, Adjust, and Re-Prune (PARP) technique allows an advanced speech-learning model learn uncommon spoken languages more easily.

Making ML More Useful to High-Stakes Decision Makers
From ACM TechNews

Making ML More Useful to High-Stakes Decision Makers

An international research team developed a visual analytics tool to address challenges faced by child welfare specialists using machine learning models to screen...

AI Sheds Light on How the Brain Processes Language
From ACM TechNews

AI Sheds Light on How the Brain Processes Language

Research by neuroscientists suggests the latest predictive language models' underlying mechanism functions similarly to the human brain's language-processing centers...

Accelerating the Discovery of Materials for 3D Printing
From ACM TechNews

Accelerating the Discovery of Materials for 3D Printing

Researchers have developed a less costly, less wasteful machine learning system for identifying three-dimensionally-printable materials.

Using Adversarial Attacks to Refine Molecular Energy Predictions
From ACM TechNews

Using Adversarial Attacks to Refine Molecular Energy Predictions

MIT researchers find new way to quantify the uncertainty in molecular energies predicted by neural networks

System Trains Drones to Fly Around Obstacles at High Speeds
From ACM News

System Trains Drones to Fly Around Obstacles at High Speeds

New algorithm could enable fast, nimble drones for time-critical operations such as search and rescue

Making Data-Informed Covid-19 Testing Plans
From ACM TechNews

Making Data-Informed Covid-19 Testing Plans

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers have developed a Web-based Covid-19 testing impact calculator.

Autonomous Boats Could Be Your Next Ride
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Boats Could Be Your Next Ride

Researchers have developed the world's first fleet of autonomous boats, along with algorithms to permit communication and collaboration among the boats.

Algorithm Quickly Simulates Roll of Loaded Dice
From ACM TechNews

Algorithm Quickly Simulates Roll of Loaded Dice

Researchers have created an algorithm to produce random numbers with the best mix of speed, accuracy, and low memory currently available.

Automated System Can Rewrite Outdated Sentences in Wikipedia Articles
From ACM TechNews

Automated System Can Rewrite Outdated Sentences in Wikipedia Articles

A new system can automatically update factual inconsistencies in Wikipedia articles.

Engineers Design Bionic 'Heart' for Testing Prosthetic Valves, Other Cardiac Devices
From ACM TechNews

Engineers Design Bionic 'Heart' for Testing Prosthetic Valves, Other Cardiac Devices

Researchers have built a "biorobotic hybrid heart" from heart tissue and a robotic pumping system for testing prosthetic valves and other cardiac devices.

Helping Autonomous Vehicles See Around Corners
From ACM TechNews

Helping Autonomous Vehicles See Around Corners

Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineers have created a system that perceives tiny fluctuations in ground shadows to ascertain whether an unseen object is...

System Helps Smart Devices Find Their Position
From ACM TechNews

System Helps Smart Devices Find Their Position

A new system helps networks of smart devices find their positions in environments where GPS usually fails.

MIT's Fleet of Autonomous Boats Can Now Shapeshift
From ACM TechNews

MIT's Fleet of Autonomous Boats Can Now Shapeshift

Scientists have upgraded a fleet of autonomous boats to autonomously disconnect and reassemble into different forms of floating platforms, in the canals of Amsterdam...
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