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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

ML Offers Shortcut to Optimal HVAC Operation
From ACM TechNews

ML Offers Shortcut to Optimal HVAC Operation

A new method for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning control mechanisms use machine learning to balance energy cost, comfort, and efficiency while enabling...

The Data Science Boom is Here
From ACM News

The Data Science Boom is Here

Data science brings a new spin to computer science education.  

 AI Will Evaluate Your Job Application. Do You Still Want to Apply?
From ACM News

AI Will Evaluate Your Job Application. Do You Still Want to Apply?

A study suggests that the answer may depend on how artificial intelligence is used.

Biden Orders Sweeping Cryptocurrency Review
From ACM News

Biden Orders Sweeping Cryptocurrency Review

The long-awaited executive order aims to ensure that the U.S. fosters the surging industry while mitigating its potential threats.

'Spooky Action' Could Help Boost Quantum Machine Learning
From ACM TechNews

'Spooky Action' Could Help Boost Quantum Machine Learning

Quantum entanglement could help clear a path toward quantum machine learning

Volunteer Hackers Converge on Ukraine Conflict
From ACM News

Volunteer Hackers Converge on Ukraine Conflict

The online battles have blurred lines between state-backed hackers and patriotic amateurs, making it difficult for governments to understand who is attacking them...

Russia Is Strengthening Its Censorship Regime by Blocking Facebook
From ACM News

Russia Is Strengthening Its Censorship Regime by Blocking Facebook

Why Putin's crackdown on social media is a worrying sign.

Robots Sanitize Avelo Aircraft for COVID-19, Other Pathogens
From ACM TechNews

Robots Sanitize Avelo Aircraft for COVID-19, Other Pathogens

Houston, TX-based startup Avelo Airlines is using autonomous robots from Canadian manufacturer Aero HygenX to disinfect aircraft cabins for COVID-19 and other viruses...

Observing Time Crystals
From ACM TechNews

Observing Time Crystals

Researchers at Australia's University of Melbourne observed a time crystal in action, with the help of quantum computing technology.

'Fingerprint' ML Technique Identifies Bacteria in Seconds
From ACM TechNews

'Fingerprint' ML Technique Identifies Bacteria in Seconds

Researchers combined surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and a deep learning model to identify bacteria in seconds with up to 98% accuracy.

Cutting Through the Clutter
From ACM TechNews

Cutting Through the Clutter

Harvard Medical School scientists created the vibration of effects auditing tool to improve the reliability of studies that explore the relationships between things...

Twitter Wants to Reinvent Itself, by Merging the Old With the New
From ACM News

Twitter Wants to Reinvent Itself, by Merging the Old With the New

The company is undertaking a far-reaching effort to change how it works. For some, it is an echo of their early idealism and a vision for what the Internet could...

Robust Radar: AI Sensor Technology for Autonomous Driving
From ACM TechNews

Robust Radar: AI Sensor Technology for Autonomous Driving

An artificial intelligence system for automotive radar sensors filters out interfering signals from other radar sensors to improve object detection.

Researchers Can Steal Data During Homomorphic Encryption
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Can Steal Data During Homomorphic Encryption

Researchers at North Carolina State University and Turkey's Dokuz Eylul University have cracked next-generation homomorphic encryption via side-channel attacks....

Robot Photographer Has Eye for Aesthetics
From ACM TechNews

Robot Photographer Has Eye for Aesthetics

Cornell University researchers have developed a robotic photography system that can automatically rove an indoor space and shoot aesthetically appealing photos....

AI Tool Could Help Plan NYS's Transition to Clean Electrical Power
From ACM TechNews

AI Tool Could Help Plan NYS's Transition to Clean Electrical Power

Cornell University's Fengqi You and Ning Zhao have designed an artificial intelligence tool that could help New York state plan its switch to clean electricity ...

Injecting Fairness into ML Models
From ACM TechNews

Injecting Fairness into ML Models

Researchers have devleoped a method of incorporating fairness into machine learning models, even if they are trained on unfair data.

A Smart Self-Learning Assistance System for the Manufacturing Industry
From ACM TechNews

A Smart Self-Learning Assistance System for the Manufacturing Industry

The MADDOX self-learning assistance system can analyze machine and process data in order to boost manufacturing efficiency.

Validating NFTs
From ACM News

Validating NFTs

Ensuring the security of non-fungible tokens.

Google's New Tech Can Read Your Body Language—Without Cameras
From ACM News

Google's New Tech Can Read Your Body Language—Without Cameras

The company's ATAP research team is using radar to help computers respond to your movements, like turning off a TV if it senses you've dozed off.
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