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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Internet of Things: Trash Talk Signals Mobile Future
From ACM News

Internet of Things: Trash Talk Signals Mobile Future

Wander through the historic streets of the Roman city of Bath in the U.K., and you might sense that they are smarter than average. And you would be right.

Supercomputer Helps Planck Mission Expose Ancient Light
From ACM News

Supercomputer Helps Planck Mission Expose Ancient Light

Like archeologists carefully digging for fossils, scientists with the Planck mission are sifting through cosmic clutter to find the most ancient light in the universe...

New Flash Memory Combines Graphene and Molybdenite
From ACM TechNews

New Flash Memory Combines Graphene and Molybdenite

A flash memory prototype made from a combination of graphene and molybdenite offers promising performance, size, flexibility, and power characteristics. 

Microsoft Raises Mobile Payment Bar With Zero-Effort Payment
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Raises Mobile Payment Bar With Zero-Effort Payment

An experimental mobile payment system could enable users to pay for goods without having to get out their handsets. 

New Zealand Streamlines E-Health With Robotics Technology
From ACM TechNews

New Zealand Streamlines E-Health With Robotics Technology

Researchers are developing robotics technology to streamline healthcare for home-bound patients and the elderly in remote areas. 

Bringing a Virtual Brain to Life
From ACM TechNews

Bringing a Virtual Brain to Life

Critics say the Human Brain Project cannot succeed in creating a virtual brain within the 10-year time frame of a recent $1.3-billion European Union grant. 

Hacking Highlights Dangers to Seoul of North's Cyber-Warriors
From ACM News

Hacking Highlights Dangers to Seoul of North's Cyber-Warriors

A hacking attack that brought down three South Korean broadcasters and two major banks has been identified by most commentators as North Korea flexing its muscles...

Second Computer Glitch Stalls Nasa's Mars Rover
From ACM TechNews

Second Computer Glitch Stalls Nasa's Mars Rover

The Mars rover Curiosity recently put itself into safe mode after a software bug caused a command file to fail a size-check. 

How Nasa's Giant New Space Telescope Will Make Life on Earth Better
From ACM News

How Nasa's Giant New Space Telescope Will Make Life on Earth Better

NASA is responsible for more Earth-bound technologies than just space ice cream; the organization's research has led to everything from new kinds of artificial ...

Princess Leia Hologram Could Become Reality
From ACM News

Princess Leia Hologram Could Become Reality

Scientists have created a glasses-free, 3D display that could mimic the famous hologram projection of Princess Leia in the original 1977 Star Wars film.

Curiosity's Discoveries Hint at Life's Cradle on Mars
From ACM News

Curiosity's Discoveries Hint at Life's Cradle on Mars

NASA's Curiosity rover has found what it was looking for in its very first taste of Martian rock—much to everyone's surprise.

Curiosity Rover Exits 'safe Mode'
From ACM News

Curiosity Rover Exits 'safe Mode'

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has returned to active status and is on track to resume science investigations, following two days in a precautionary standby status...

Raspberry Pi Heads For the Open Ocean
From ACM News

Raspberry Pi Heads For the Open Ocean

Confronted with that tiny device, some have seen a way to play old arcade games, as a media server or to monitor their sleeping children. There are some that have...

Meet Yeti, the South Pole's Crevasse-Detecting Robot
From ACM News

Meet Yeti, the South Pole's Crevasse-Detecting Robot

Continental glaciers are interesting for all kinds of reasons. Ask the National Science Foundation, and it will likely tell you that drilling into the Greenland...

Big Data Roadblocks Will Slow Driverless Cars ­ntil 2040, Analyst Says
From ACM TechNews

Big Data Roadblocks Will Slow Driverless Cars ­ntil 2040, Analyst Says

Despite aggressive predictions on the time frame for mainstream adoption of driverless cars due to progress in autonomous vehicle technology, some experts say privacy...

Are You Paying Attention? Computer Says No
From ACM TechNews

Are You Paying Attention? Computer Says No

A computer system developed by scientists at St. Andrews University keeps users focused on their work by replacing the regular screen image with a calm and non-distracting...

Sequester Cuts University Research Funds
From ACM TechNews

Sequester Cuts University Research Funds

The federal government is reducing support for academic laboratories across the United States to satisfy the sequester mandate to cut spending. The budget sequester...

Web Pioneers Win Inaugural $1.5M Engineering Prize
From ACM TechNews

Web Pioneers Win Inaugural $1.5M Engineering Prize

The inaugural Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering will go to Internet and World Wide Web pioneers Robert Kahn, Vinton Cerf, and Marc Andreessen of the United...

Finally, a Robot Chimp That Turns Into a Tank
From ACM TechNews

Finally, a Robot Chimp That Turns Into a Tank

Some of the contestants in the DARPA Robotics Challenge, launched in April 2012, are starting to reveal aspects of their projects. The Carnegie Mellon University...

Cyberwar Manual Lays Down Rules For Online Attacks
From ACM News

Cyberwar Manual Lays Down Rules For Online Attacks

Even cyberwar has rules, and one group of experts is putting out a manual to prove it.
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