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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Making Cloud Computing More Efficient
From ACM TechNews

Making Cloud Computing More Efficient

DBSeer could alleviate cloud computing inefficiencies that arise from the overprovisioning that occurs with database-intensive applications. 

Tim Berners-Lee on the Making of New Worlds
From ACM TechNews

Tim Berners-Lee on the Making of New Worlds

Tim Berners-Lee's keynote address at the SXSW Interactive Conference emphasized the need to fight for an open Internet. 

Nasa Rover Finds Conditions Once Suited For Ancient Life on Mars
From ACM News

Nasa Rover Finds Conditions Once Suited For Ancient Life on Mars

An analysis of a rock sample collected by NASA's Curiosity rover shows ancient Mars could have supported living microbes.

Goldwasser and Micali Receive 2012 ACM Turing Award
From ACM News

Goldwasser and Micali Receive 2012 ACM Turing Award

Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali have been named co-recipients of the 2012 ACM A.M. Turing Award.

Rethinking Objects and Form Are Key to 3D Printing Revolution
From ACM Opinion

Rethinking Objects and Form Are Key to 3D Printing Revolution

3D printing has already changed the game for manufacturing specialized products such as medical devices but the real revolution will come when designers start to...

Hagel to Order Review of Drone Medal Precedence
From ACM News

Hagel to Order Review of Drone Medal Precedence

New Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has halted production of a new controversial medal intended to honor drone pilots pending a review of its official rank above...

A Laboratory Grows Young Scientists
From ACM Careers

A Laboratory Grows Young Scientists

During lunch hour, the hallways of Ossining High School have a kind of barely contained chaos.

Clues Suggest Malware Is Moving from Pcs to Mobile Devices
From ACM News

Clues Suggest Malware Is Moving from Pcs to Mobile Devices

The fact that smartphones and tablets don't need antivirus software or regular software updates is a major reason for their popularity.

How to Predict the Progress of Technology
From ACM TechNews

How to Predict the Progress of Technology

Moore’s Law and Wright’s Law offer the best predictions of the pace of technological progress, researchers say. 

Improving Electronics by Solving Nearly Century-Old Problem
From ACM TechNews

Improving Electronics by Solving Nearly Century-Old Problem

Research into low-frequency electronic 1/f noise ("pink noise") could lead to a continued downscaling of conventional electronic devices. 

Taking Transistors Into a New Dimension
From ACM TechNews

Taking Transistors Into a New Dimension

Researchers say they have built the first 3D nanometric transistor. 

New Software Could Help Cut Hospital Admissions
From ACM TechNews

New Software Could Help Cut Hospital Admissions

A new software product allows medical professionals to track a patient's progress through the healthcare system and see where care may differ from guidelines. 

Students Develop Secure New Procedure For Online Banking
From ACM TechNews

Students Develop Secure New Procedure For Online Banking

Researchers working with a financial IT solutions firm have developed a process that makes online banking more secure. 

Kim Dotcom Is the Anti-Zuckerberg: Share Nothing, Encrypt Everything, Be Happy
From ACM Opinion

Kim Dotcom Is the Anti-Zuckerberg: Share Nothing, Encrypt Everything, Be Happy

Appearing like a retro-futuristic apparition, digitally transmitted through pneumatic tubes from a future that was but will never be, the disembodied head of Kim...

Curiosity Rover's Recovery Moving Forward
From ACM News

Curiosity Rover's Recovery Moving Forward

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity continues to move forward with assessment and recovery from a memory glitch that affected the rover's A-side computer.

Skype's Been Hijacked in China, and Microsoft Is O.k. With It
From ACM News

Skype's Been Hijacked in China, and Microsoft Is O.k. With It

Jeffrey Knockel is an unlikely candidate to expose the inner workings of Skype's role in China’s online surveillance apparatus.

Facebook 'likes' Predict Personality
From ACM News

Facebook 'likes' Predict Personality

Researchers at Cambridge University used algorithms to predict religion, politics, race and sexual orientation.

Practicing Medicine at the Nanoscale
From ACM News

Practicing Medicine at the Nanoscale

Modern medicine is largely based on treating patients with "small-molecule" drugs, which include pain relievers like aspirin and antibiotics such as penicillin.

Big Data, Big Blunders
From ACM News

Big Data, Big Blunders

Companies are finding that big data doesn't necessarily translate into easy success.

How Big Data Is Changing the Whole Equation For Business
From ACM News

How Big Data Is Changing the Whole Equation For Business

There's a ton of information out there. And businesses are figuring out how to put it to work.
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