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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Dangerous Logic of the Bradley Manning Case
From ACM Opinion

The Dangerous Logic of the Bradley Manning Case

After 1,000 days in pretrial detention, Private Bradley Manning offered a modified guilty plea for passing classified materials to WikiLeaks. But his case is far...

Why Teens Are Tiring of Facebook
From ACM Opinion

Why Teens Are Tiring of Facebook

To understand where teens like to spend their virtual time nowadways, just watch them on their smartphones.

How Much Does a Botnet Cost?
From ACM News

How Much Does a Botnet Cost?

The cost of a botnet is contingent largely upon the physical location of the malware-infected computers inside of it. 

Small Gadgets That Make You Healthier
From ACM News

Small Gadgets That Make You Healthier

At any moment, someone in the U.S. most likely is having an asthma attack.

Rodent Mind Meld: Scientists Wire Two Rats' Brains Together
From ACM News

Rodent Mind Meld: Scientists Wire Two Rats' Brains Together

It's not exactly a Vulcan mind meld, but it's not far off.

New Technology for Animation Film Experts
From ACM TechNews

New Technology for Animation Film Experts

Researchers have developed a technique for creating virtual worlds that they say will simplify the work of animators, and assist doctors and athletes with motion...

'wet' Computer Server Could Cut Internet Waste
From ACM TechNews

'wet' Computer Server Could Cut Internet Waste

Researchers are testing a liquid-cooled computer server that they say could greatly reduce the carbon footprint of the Internet. 

Supercomputing Challenges and Predictions
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing Challenges and Predictions

The future of supercomputing likely will include improved weather forecasting and faster discovery of new drugs. 

Cloud ­se Grows, and So Does Security Threat
From ACM News

Cloud ­se Grows, and So Does Security Threat

Holding everything from highly personal medical and social media material to confidential financial and corporate documents, Internet-based cloud services are gathering...

Considering Data's Effect on Society
From ACM TechNews

Considering Data's Effect on Society

A group of academics, business executives, and journalists recently discussed how data can drive society. 

Vint Cerf Sees an 'Interspecies Internet' to Talk With Animals
From ACM TechNews

Vint Cerf Sees an 'Interspecies Internet' to Talk With Animals

Technology evangelists have proposed a new inter-species Internet that would facilitate communication between humans and animals. 

Wireless Connections Creep Into Everyday Things
From ACM News

Wireless Connections Creep Into Everyday Things

A car that tells your insurance company how you're driving. A bathroom scale that lets you chart your weight on the Web. And a meter that warns your air conditioner...

Mobile Computing Is Just Getting Started
From ACM Opinion

Mobile Computing Is Just Getting Started

Mobile computers are spreading faster than any other consumer technology in history.

Computer Swap on Curiosity Rover
From ACM News

Computer Swap on Curiosity Rover

The ground team for NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has switched the rover to a redundant onboard computer in response to a memory issue on the computer that had been...

Connecting the Neural Dots
From ACM News

Connecting the Neural Dots

In setting the nation on a course to map the active human brain, President Obama may have picked a challenge even more daunting than ending the war in Afghanistan...

Teaching Robots Lateral Thinking
From ACM News

Teaching Robots Lateral Thinking

Many commercial robotic arms perform what roboticists call "pick and place" tasks: The arm picks up an object in one location and places it in another.

From ACM Careers

China Has No Cyber Warfare Troops: Spokesman

A military spokesman said Thursday that China does not have any soldiers engaging in cyber warfare.

Pushing the Wrong Button: Bad Button Placement Leads to Drone Crashes
From ACM News

Pushing the Wrong Button: Bad Button Placement Leads to Drone Crashes

Unmanned aircraft crash. In fact, they crash a lot—though there's no recent specific data, the Congressional Research Service reported last year that despite improvements...

Lessons From Cockroaches Could Inform Robotics
From ACM TechNews

Lessons From Cockroaches Could Inform Robotics

Researchers studying how biological systems stabilize themselves, to help them design steadier robots, are testing how cockroaches maintain their footing.

Clever Battery Completes Stretchable Electronics Package
From ACM TechNews

Clever Battery Completes Stretchable Electronics Package

Researchers have demonstrated a flexible lithium-ion battery that continues to work even when stretched, folded, twisted, and mounted on a human elbow. 
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