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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Unreported Side Effects of Drugs Are Found Using Internet Search Data, Study Finds
From ACM TechNews

Unreported Side Effects of Drugs Are Found Using Internet Search Data, Study Finds

Researchers found evidence of unreported prescription drug side effects before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration did by analyzing search engine query data. 

Moore's Law Is Not Just for Computers
From ACM News

Moore's Law Is Not Just for Computers

Predicting the future of technology often seems a fool's game.

Feds Crack Down on Mobile-Phone Spammers
From ACM News

Feds Crack Down on Mobile-Phone Spammers

The U.S Federal Trade Commission said today that it is cracking down on marketers that are allegedly bombarding consumers with hundreds of millions of unwanted on...

Tracking Sensors Invade the Workplace
From ACM News

Tracking Sensors Invade the Workplace

A few years ago when Bank of America Corp. wanted to study whether face time mattered among its call-center teams, the big bank asked about 90 workers to wear badges...

Kinect Demo Shows Off Hand Recognition, Multitouch
From ACM News

Kinect Demo Shows Off Hand Recognition, Multitouch

Microsoft Research this week showed off a demo application that allows for Kinect to recognize multi-touch gestures.

Attacks Hit, but Don't Break, New Sha-3 Candidate
From ACM TechNews

Attacks Hit, but Don't Break, New Sha-3 Candidate

Depite a recent collision attack, the SHA-3 Secure Hash Algorithm implementation is still a long way from being broken. 

Graphene Antennas Would Enable Terabit Wireless Downloads
From ACM TechNews

Graphene Antennas Would Enable Terabit Wireless Downloads

A proposed wireless antenna made from graphene could enable terabit-per-second transfer speeds at short ranges. 

New Spec Tool to Id Most Energy-Efficient Servers
From ACM TechNews

New Spec Tool to Id Most Energy-Efficient Servers

A new toolkit can help guide the selection of the most energy-efficient server to meet specific needs. 

Training Next-Gen Data Superheroes
From ACM TechNews

Training Next-Gen Data Superheroes

Data science programs are gaining popularity as colleges and universities focus on preparing a new generation of data specialists to handle big data. 

Fashion Statement: Designer Creates Line of Drone-Proof Garments to Protect Privacy
From ACM News

Fashion Statement: Designer Creates Line of Drone-Proof Garments to Protect Privacy

As the U.S. government draws up plans to use surveillance drones in domestic airspace, opposition to what many consider an unwarranted and significant invasionprivacy...

The Father of All Men Is 340,000 Years Old
From ACM News

The Father of All Men Is 340,000 Years Old

Albert Perry carried a secret in his DNA: a Y chromosome so distinctive that it reveals new information about the origin of our species.

Study Maps Human Metabolism in Health and Disease
From ACM TechNews

Study Maps Human Metabolism in Health and Disease

An international team of researchers have produced the most complete model of the human metabolic network available. 

How Two Volunteers Built the Raspberry Pi’s Operating System
From ACM Careers

How Two Volunteers Built the Raspberry Pi’s Operating System

When you buy a Raspberry Pi, the $35 computer doesn't come with an operating system.

The Disappearing Interface
From ACM News

The Disappearing Interface

Where static computer screens and smartphones suck in our gaze and extract us from the world around us, many of the most interesting new tech gadgets and ideas...

You May Now Kiss the Computer Screen
From ACM News

You May Now Kiss the Computer Screen

With a red embroidered veil draped over her dark hair, Punam Chowdhury held her breath last month as her fiancé said the words that would make them husband and...

Led Display Puts Bay Bridge in New Light
From ACM News

Led Display Puts Bay Bridge in New Light

The Bay Bridge will never win a beauty contest against the Golden Gate, but for the next two years, it gets to set aside its inferiority complex for several hours...

Pixels Guide the Way For the Visually Impaired
From ACM TechNews

Pixels Guide the Way For the Visually Impaired

Using a mathematical algorithm and a video camera, researchers project pixels onto a headset to improve vision for people with retinal implants. 

Video Game Invades Classroom, Scores Education Points
From ACM TechNews

Video Game Invades Classroom, Scores Education Points

GlassLab is an effort by Electronic Arts to use video games to inspire students to embrace careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. 

Web-Connected Cars Bring Privacy Concerns
From ACM TechNews

Web-Connected Cars Bring Privacy Concerns

Privacy advocates fear linking cars with wireless networks may be giving automakers, software developers, and police officers access to such information. 

Big Blue, Big Bang, Big Data: Telescope Funds Computing R&d
From ACM TechNews

Big Blue, Big Bang, Big Data: Telescope Funds Computing R&d

IBM wants to advance supercomputing technology in processing, optical communications, and memory by using the Square Kilometer Array radio telescope. 
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