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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Asteroid-Smashing Space Probes Set for Cosmic Crash in 2022
From ACM News

Asteroid-Smashing Space Probes Set for Cosmic Crash in 2022

Scientists in Europe and the United States are moving forward with plans to intentionally smash a spacecraft into a huge nearby asteroid in 2022 to see inside the...

Humanoid Robot Helps Train Children With Autism
From ACM TechNews

Humanoid Robot Helps Train Children With Autism

The new NAO system of sensors, computers, and robots is designed to help children with autism spectrum disorder. 

A Screen at Your Fingertips
From ACM TechNews

A Screen at Your Fingertips

A fingernail-based display could revolutionize the way people use devices like smartphones. 

Artificial Connections
From Communications of the ACM

Artificial Connections

Scientists at the Blue Brain Project are using supercomputers to simulate neural connections in a 3-D model of a slice of mammalian brain.

Inexact Design
From Communications of the ACM

Inexact Design: Beyond Fault-Tolerance

In a new approach to making computers more efficient, called "inexact," "probabilistic," or "approximate" computing, errors are not avoided; they are welcomed....

Looking Back at Big Data
From Communications of the ACM

Looking Back at Big Data

As computational tools open up new ways of understanding history, historians and computer scientists are working together to explore the possibilities.

A Strange Computer Promises Great Speed
From ACM News

A Strange Computer Promises Great Speed

Bitcoin: Fastest Growing Currency in the World
From ACM News

Bitcoin: Fastest Growing Currency in the World

Bitcoin is an unregulated, uncontrolled online currency—worth more than £500m, it's the world's fastest growing.

Radio Frequency Chip Makers Tune In to Smartphone Race
From ACM News

Radio Frequency Chip Makers Tune In to Smartphone Race

Radio frequency chip makers are set to gain as Samsung Electronics Co Ltd and Apple Inc unveil ever more sophisticated smartphones and tablets to battle for the...

So It Begins: DARPA Sets Out to Make Computers That Can Teach Themselves
From ACM News

So It Begins: DARPA Sets Out to Make Computers That Can Teach Themselves

The Pentagon's blue-sky research agency is readying a nearly four-year project to boost artificial intelligence systems by building machines that can teach themselves—while...

China to Create Home-Grown Operating System
From ACM News

China to Create Home-Grown Operating System

China is working with software firm Canonical on an open-source operating system customised for Chinese users.

Planck Mission Brings ­niverse Into Sharp Focus
From ACM News

Planck Mission Brings ­niverse Into Sharp Focus

The Planck space mission has released the most accurate and detailed map ever made of the oldest light in the universe, revealing new information about its age,...

Georgia Tech Computer System Predicts Ncaa Basketball Champion
From ACM TechNews

Georgia Tech Computer System Predicts Ncaa Basketball Champion

Georgia Tech’s Logistic Regression/Markov Chain (LRMC) computerized college basketball ranking system predicts the University of Florida will win this year's NCAA...

Can Control Theory Make Software Better?
From ACM TechNews

Can Control Theory Make Software Better?

Researchers recently demonstrated the application of control theory principles to formal verification, in a method that could benefit approximate computation. 

Where Siri Has Trouble Hearing, a Crowd of Humans Could Help
From ACM TechNews

Where Siri Has Trouble Hearing, a Crowd of Humans Could Help

A new rapid-fire crowdsourcing program could provide new ways to enhance voice-recognition applications. 

Hackers Can Be Battlefield Targets, Says Nato Report
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Can Be Battlefield Targets, Says Nato Report

NATO's cyberwarfare handbook says that civilian hackers who carry out cyberattacks during coordinated military campaigns can be targeted as combatants. 

Youtube Reaches a Billion Monthly Viewers, Boosted By 'generation C'
From ACM Careers

Youtube Reaches a Billion Monthly Viewers, Boosted By 'generation C'

YouTube has a billion unique users visiting the video-sharing website every month, equivalent to one out of every two people on the Internet—and the generationsmartphones...

Gender Gap in Tech Salaries Is All Gone, Dice Reports
From ACM TechNews

Gender Gap in Tech Salaries Is All Gone, Dice Reports

Women in the information technology (IT) field now make as much as men, according to the latest salary survey from Dice.

Domestic Drones Stir Imaginations, and Concerns
From ACM News

Domestic Drones Stir Imaginations, and Concerns

On the pilot's computer screen, planted at ground level a few yards from the airport runway here, the data streaming across the display tracked an airplane at 1...

Revealed: The 1962 CIA Paper That Predicts the Big Deal With Big Data
From ACM News

Revealed: The 1962 CIA Paper That Predicts the Big Deal With Big Data

The Central Intelligence Agency has published for the first time "Some Far-Out Thoughts on Computers," a 1962 internal document that shows how eager the agency...
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