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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

This Augmented-Reality Sandbox Turns Dirt Into a ­i
From ACM News

This Augmented-Reality Sandbox Turns Dirt Into a ­i

We've seen how kids take to touchscreens. To them, our unfathomably sophisticated smartphones and tablets are about as hard to figure out as a bucket full of blocks...

Middle School Experiments With Humanoid Robot
From ACM TechNews

Middle School Experiments With Humanoid Robot

Bullitt Lick Middle School in Shepherdsville, Ky., is offering a new robotics class that will teach students programming skills.

Mystery of the Missing Women in Science
From ACM TechNews

Mystery of the Missing Women in Science

Although test scores prove that girls have science and math aptitude equal to that of boys, many girls choose not to pursue these fields.

Gaming Improves Multitasking Skills
From ACM News

Gaming Improves Multitasking Skills

Sixty-five-year-old Ann Linsey was starting to worry about how easily she got distracted from whatever she was doing.

Neutron Stars in the Computer Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Neutron Stars in the Computer Cloud

Using the Einstein@Home project to analyze archival data from the CSIRO Parkes radio telescope in Australia, researchers have discovered 24 pulsars.

Hack Attacks, Explained
From ACM TechNews

Hack Attacks, Explained

Harvard University professor Jonathan L. Zittrain says recent cyberattacks on media outlets offer lessons on how institutions can guard against future incidents...

Think You Can Drive a Bulldozer?
From ACM News

Think You Can Drive a Bulldozer?

As he closed the door, leaving me alone at the controls of a 41,000-pound bulldozer with list price of nearly $432,000, a Komatsu Ltd. executive shouted, "No worries...

How Scholars Hack the World of Academic Publishing Now
From ACM News

How Scholars Hack the World of Academic Publishing Now

If you want to understand the modern academy, it wouldn't hurt to start at "impact factor."

Why Video Games May Be Good For You
From ACM News

Why Video Games May Be Good For You

Games have long been accused of making players violent, but evidence has been building over the years that they can have positive effects.

Can an AI Get Into the University of Tokyo?
From ACM TechNews

Can an AI Get Into the University of Tokyo?

Researchers are attempting to create an artificial intelligence (AI) program capable of passing school entrance exams. 

Computing Researchers Get 'schooled' on Science Policy at Lispi 2013
From ACM TechNews

Computing Researchers Get 'schooled' on Science Policy at Lispi 2013

The Computing Research Association’s Computing Community Consortium recently held its second Leadership in Science Policy Institute (LiSPI) workshop.

Remembering Douglas Engelbart
From Communications of the ACM

Remembering Douglas Engelbart

"Inspiring," "visionary," "humble," "honest," "impeccable integrity," "passionate and stubborn about his work." Tributes poured in for Douglas Engelbart, inventor...

Seven Over 70
From ACM Careers

Seven Over 70

For over a decade, we've celebrated innovators under the age of 35. We choose to write about the young because we want to introduce you to the most promising new...

From ACM Careers

35 Innovators Under 35

For our 13th annual celebration of people who are driving the next generation of technological breakthroughs, we're presenting the stories in a new way.

Preparing a Parallel Programming Workforce
From ACM News

Preparing a Parallel Programming Workforce

As many parallel programmers are aging and retiring, the skill set is increasingly in demand.

­dacity Ceo Says Mooc 'magic Formula' Emerging
From ACM Opinion

­dacity Ceo Says Mooc 'magic Formula' Emerging

After weathering a round of negative publicity, Udacity CEO Sebastian Thrun believes vindication is at hand.

U.s. Schools Need More STEM Training, Better Broadband
From ACM TechNews

U.s. Schools Need More STEM Training, Better Broadband

U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan recently reaffirmed the Obama administration's call for faster broadband connections in schools.

From ACM TechNews

Programming Competition Allows Students to 'Geek Out' and Gain Crucial Skillsets

The Second Annual Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment conference hosted the XSEDE13 Student Programming Competition, a contest in which student...

Master's Degree Is New Frontier of Study Online
From ACM Careers

Master's Degree Is New Frontier of Study Online

Next January, the Georgia Institute of Technology plans to offer a master’s degree in computer science through massive open online courses for a fraction of the...

A New 'dawn' in Exchanges' War on Hackers
From ACM News

A New 'dawn' in Exchanges' War on Hackers

When prices on some U.S. stocks suddenly zoomed one day last month and others unexpectedly plunged, stock-market officials set out to detect a possible computer...
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