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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

ACM Honors Computing Innovators
From Communications of the ACM

ACM Honors Computing Innovators

ACM's awards celebrate achievements in networks, information retrieval, multi-agent systems, computer science education, versatile compiler technologies, and more...

The Future of Propaganda: Sean Gourley on Big Data and the 'war of Ideas'
From ACM Opinion

The Future of Propaganda: Sean Gourley on Big Data and the 'war of Ideas'

In 2009, Sean Gourley, an Oxford-trained physicist, gave a TED talk called "The Mathematics of War."

Program Motivates Native Alaskans to Pursue STEM Careers
From ACM TechNews

Program Motivates Native Alaskans to Pursue STEM Careers

U.S. education needs improved quality control if it is to produce better results, says the founder of the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program. 

Princeton ­niversity Celebrates the Art of Science
From ACM News

Princeton ­niversity Celebrates the Art of Science

Sometimes the connection between art and science is clear.

Thought Experiment: Build a Supercomputer Replica of the Human Brain
From ACM TechNews

Thought Experiment: Build a Supercomputer Replica of the Human Brain

Henry Markram believes his Human Brain Project can simulate all 86 billion neurons in the human brain as well as the 100 trillion connections among them. 

Moshe Vardi: Robots Could Put Humans Out of Work By 2045
From ACM Opinion

Moshe Vardi: Robots Could Put Humans Out of Work By 2045

Robots began replacing human brawn long ago—now they're poised to replace human brains.

Laptop ­
From ACM News

Laptop ­

Gregory Nagy, a professor of classical Greek literature at Harvard, is a gentle academic of the sort who, asked about the future, will begin speaking of Homer and...

MIT Robots Can Assemble Your Ikea Furniture For You
From ACM News

MIT Robots Can Assemble Your Ikea Furniture For You

Oh, IKEA. Your modern and affordable Scandinavian-inspired furniture is full of such promise.

­nique School For Coders: Tuition-Free – ­ntil You're Hired
From ACM News

­nique School For Coders: Tuition-Free – ­ntil You're Hired

A new school for programmers stands behind the ability of its students to find jobs — if you can't find one within a year, tuition is free.

Child Care and STEM Fields Are Called Barriers to Women at 2-Year Colleges
From ACM TechNews

Child Care and STEM Fields Are Called Barriers to Women at 2-Year Colleges

Gender stereotypes that discourage women from pursuing STEM careers are among the most formidable barriers holding them back in community colleges.

Building a Digital Life Form: Openworm, Open Source
From ACM TechNews

Building a Digital Life Form: Openworm, Open Source

The OpenWorm Project is working to create the first computer model of the Caenorhabditis elegans nematode worm. 

Reading, Writing and Computer Coding--the Basics of the Future
From ACM TechNews

Reading, Writing and Computer Coding--the Basics of the Future

To get more students interested in writing software code, advocates are working to eliminate the idea that computer science is too hard. 

U.K. Eyes Apprenticeships to Grow IT Talent
From ACM TechNews

U.K. Eyes Apprenticeships to Grow IT Talent

The U.K. information technology sector is trying out apprenticeships as a means of training more young people for jobs in the industry. 

The Man Behind the Google Brain: Andrew Ng and the Quest For the New AI
From ACM Opinion

The Man Behind the Google Brain: Andrew Ng and the Quest For the New AI

There's a theory that human intelligence stems from a single algorithm.

How One College Is Closing the Computer Science Gender Gap
From ACM Careers

How One College Is Closing the Computer Science Gender Gap

There are still relatively few women in tech. Maria Klawe wants to change that. As president of Harvey Mudd College, a science and engineering school in Southern...

Engaging Online Crowds in the Classroom Could Be Important Tool For Teaching Innovation
From ACM TechNews

Engaging Online Crowds in the Classroom Could Be Important Tool For Teaching Innovation

Input from social media and crowdsourcing can help students identify needs for products or services, generate ideas, and more easily test those ideas. 

Congress Tries to Reset Science Grants, Wants Every One to Be 'groundbreaking'
From ACM Opinion

Congress Tries to Reset Science Grants, Wants Every One to Be 'groundbreaking'

Due to Congressional rules, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology had to choose new leadership this year.

Vanishing Electronics
From Communications of the ACM

Vanishing Electronics

Engineers are reinventing electronics by building safe devices that dissolve in the body or within the environment. The technology could redefine everything from...

'Small Data' Enabled Prediction of Obama's Win, Say Economists
From Communications of the ACM

'Small Data' Enabled Prediction of Obama's Win, Say Economists

"Big data" from crowdsourcing resulted in more complex predictions.

Rock Snot Genomics
From ACM TechNews

Rock Snot Genomics

Researchers are using the Ranger supercomputer to analyze diatom DNA data to help them understand what the diatom's original ancestor might have looked like. 
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