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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Sd College Tests Fingerprint Purchasing Technology
From ACM News

Sd College Tests Fingerprint Purchasing Technology

Futurists have long proclaimed the coming of a cashless society, where dollar bills and plastic cards are replaced by fingerprint and retina scanners smart enough...

White House Opens More Federally Funded Scientific Research to the Public
From ACM News

White House Opens More Federally Funded Scientific Research to the Public

A new White House directive will allow the general public more access to federally funded scientific research, the Obama administration announced at the end of...

The Next Frontier Is Inside Your Brain
From ACM Opinion

The Next Frontier Is Inside Your Brain

The Obama administration is planning a multiyear research effort to produce an "activity map" that would show in unprecedented detail the workings of the human,...

A Genetic Code For Genius?
From ACM News

A Genetic Code For Genius?

At a former paper-printing factory in Hong Kong, a 20-year-old wunderkind named Zhao Bowen has embarked on a challenging and potentially controversial quest: uncovering...

Work-Force Demand For STEM Students Spurs Efforts at Community Colleges
From ACM TechNews

Work-Force Demand For STEM Students Spurs Efforts at Community Colleges

Community colleges are stepping up efforts to turn out science, technology, engineering, and math graduates. 

Cybercrime: It's Serious, But Exactly How Serious?
From Communications of the ACM

Cybercrime: It's Serious, But Exactly How Serious?

Symantec says $110 billion annually while McAfee says $1 trillion. Why can't anyone agree?

Decoding Dementia
From Communications of the ACM

Decoding Dementia

Computer models may help neurologists unlock the secrets of brain disorders, from Alzheimer's to cancer.

Using 3D Worlds to Visualize Data
From ACM News

Using 3D Worlds to Visualize Data

Take a walk through a human brain? Fly over the surface of Mars?

Brown Mooc to Lure High School Students to STEM
From ACM News

Brown Mooc to Lure High School Students to STEM

Brown University will offer a massive open online course (MOOC) aimed at drawing high school students to careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)...

The Road to Uncovering a Wartime Colossus
From ACM News

The Road to Uncovering a Wartime Colossus

The story of how the Colossus computer at Bletchley Park aided the allied code-cracking effort during World War II is becoming well known. Its claim to be a forerunner...

Amateur Effort Finds New Largest Prime Number
From ACM News

Amateur Effort Finds New Largest Prime Number

The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) project has scored its 14th consecutive victory, discovering the largest prime number so far.

Which iPhone App May Get You Into Stanford? The One You Make
From ACM Careers

Which iPhone App May Get You Into Stanford? The One You Make

Standing out from the crowd of applicants vying to get into Stanford University's Computer Science undergraduate program is no easy task.

A Tiny Computer Attracts a Million Tinkerers
From ACM News

A Tiny Computer Attracts a Million Tinkerers

Raspberry Pi may sound like the name of a math-based dessert. But it is actually one of the hottest and cheapest little computers in the world right now.

Once Blackberry Focused, a Campus Widens Its View
From ACM Careers

Once Blackberry Focused, a Campus Widens Its View

The University of Waterloo, in a city that people outside Canada would struggle to find on a map, is one of the world’s best technology schools.

Finding More STEM Students
From ACM TechNews

Finding More STEM Students

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy has announced Next Generation Connecticut, a plan to dedicate $1.5 billion to improving the science, technology, engineering, and...

An Idea That Changed the World
From ACM News

An Idea That Changed the World

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was called the "Ten Days That Shook the World," the title of a book by foreign correspondent Jack Reed, Class of 1910. But how about...

Computer Science Part of English Baccalaureate
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Part of English Baccalaureate

Britain is adding computer science to its English Baccalaureate (EBacc), and will count the subject as a science option toward the qualification.  A panel of technology...

In Massive Online Course Offered By Stanford, Teams ­nleash Diverse Approaches to Creativity
From ACM TechNews

In Massive Online Course Offered By Stanford, Teams ­nleash Diverse Approaches to Creativity

An online course on creativity open to thousands of students worldwide proved a unique teaching and learning experience that will help shape the future of online...

Life in Simulation
From Communications of the ACM

Life in Simulation

Computational models are tackling the complexity of biology, from single-celled microbes to human organs.

Revving the Rover
From Communications of the ACM

Revving the Rover

The new Mars rover has attracted plenty of attention for its planetary gymnastics, but the big breakthroughs are under the hood.
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