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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Should High Schools Teach Big Data?
From ACM TechNews

Should High Schools Teach Big Data?

TechAmerica Foundation's Big Data Commission aims to prepare the United States for future high-tech jobs, especially those focused around data.

Science in an Election Year
From ACM Opinion

Science in an Election Year

More than a dozen science and engineering organizations worked with to draft 14 top science questions to ask the two main presidential candidates...

At Stanford, Scholars Debate the Promises, Pitfalls of Online Learning
From ACM TechNews

At Stanford, Scholars Debate the Promises, Pitfalls of Online Learning

Although online learning has great potential to enhance the education process, Princeton University president emeritus William Bowen cites three obstructions to...

New Web-Based Model For Sharing Research Datasets Could Have Huge Benefits
From ACM TechNews

New Web-Based Model For Sharing Research Datasets Could Have Huge Benefits

Ohio State University researchers recently proposed creating a Web-based data network to help researchers and policymakers use existing knowledge to develop real...

Uc Mentors Next Generation of Women in STEM Fields
From ACM TechNews

Uc Mentors Next Generation of Women in STEM Fields

Connecting students striving for STEM degrees with leading women in industry and academia is the purpose of Women in Technology Sharing Online, a national online...

Google's Little Nemo Tribute: Maybe The Best Google Doodle Ever
From ACM Opinion

Google's Little Nemo Tribute: Maybe The Best Google Doodle Ever

Winsor McCay (1869–1934) was one of the first important creators of both comic strips and animation, and a pretty fair political cartoonist to boot.

Judge Says Fair Use Protects Universities in Book-Scanning Project
From ACM News

Judge Says Fair Use Protects Universities in Book-Scanning Project

A federal judge on Wednesday threw out a copyright infringement lawsuit against universities that participated in a massive book-digitization project in conjunction...

What Comes After the Touch Screen?
From ACM News

What Comes After the Touch Screen?

In a few short years, the technologies found in today's mobile devices—touch screens, gyroscopes, and voice-control software, to name a few—have radically transformed...

New York U. Turns to Free Site to Help Teach Computer Programming
From ACM TechNews

New York U. Turns to Free Site to Help Teach Computer Programming

New York University's department of media, culture, and communication will use Codeacademy to provide a 10-week programming course during this semester.  

The Mouse Faces Extinction as Computer Interaction Evolves
From ACM TechNews

The Mouse Faces Extinction as Computer Interaction Evolves

Students today are part of the first generation growing up with a computer interface that does not rely on a keyboard and mouse.  

Non-Profit ScriptEd NYC Teaches Coding to Underprivileged Students
From ACM TechNews

Non-Profit ScriptEd NYC Teaches Coding to Underprivileged Students

NYC has launched a pilot program designed to teach computer skills to students from underserved communities.  

Mobile App Puts Brakes on Texting While Driving
From ACM News

Mobile App Puts Brakes on Texting While Driving

Everyone knows that texting while driving kills, but that’s not enough to incentivize many people, especially teens, to keep their eyes on the road. Now a new mobile...

Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century
From ACM Careers

Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century

When Jonathan Goldman arrived for work in June 2006 at LinkedIn, the business networking site, the place still felt like a start-up.

High Schools Not Meeting STEM Demand
From ACM TechNews

High Schools Not Meeting STEM Demand

There are more than 42,000 public and private high schools in the United States, but just 2,100 of them offered the Advanced Placement test in computer science...

Online Education Grows Up, and For Now, It's Free
From ACM Careers

Online Education Grows Up, and For Now, It's Free

Online education isn't particularly new. It has been around in some form since the 1990s, but what is new is the speed and scale in which online learning is growing...

Most European Languages in Danger of Digital Extinction
From ACM TechNews

Most European Languages in Danger of Digital Extinction

META-NET recently completed a study that assessed language technology support for 30 European languages in four different areas, including automatic translation...

Fostering Tech Talent in Schools
From ACM TechNews

Fostering Tech Talent in Schools

Microsoft recently launched the Technology Education and Literacy in Schools (Teals) program, an effort aimed at getting high school students interested in computer...

Computers Match Humans in Understanding Art
From ACM TechNews

Computers Match Humans in Understanding Art

Lawrence Technological University researchers have developed an algorithm that demonstrates computers can be made to understand art in a way very similar to how...

On Waterfront, Rise of the Machines
From ACM Careers

On Waterfront, Rise of the Machines

In the rising light of a mid-September morning, the CSAV Pyrenees, a blue-water freighter sailing out of Suape Port in Brazil, was lashed to its lines at BerthPort...

12 Technologies to Watch in STEM Education
From ACM TechNews

12 Technologies to Watch in STEM Education

The New Media Consortium has released a technology outlook to watch for in science, technology, engineering, and math education over the next five years.  
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