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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mapping Malware's Genome to Fight Future Attacks
From ACM News

Mapping Malware's Genome to Fight Future Attacks

Every year a computer worm emerges to stalk the Internet, each one seemingly bigger and badder than the last (see diagram).

Online College Courses to Grant Credentials, For a Fee
From ACM TechNews

Online College Courses to Grant Credentials, For a Fee

Free online college course providers are experimenting with security features that will enable students who successfully complete the courses to pay a small fee...

New 2-D Material for Next Generation High-Speed Electronics
From ACM TechNews

New 2-D Material for Next Generation High-Speed Electronics

Researchers at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization and RMIT University have developed a two-dimensional material they say could revolutionize...

U.s. Library of Congress Saving 500 Million Tweets Per Day in Archives
From ACM TechNews

U.s. Library of Congress Saving 500 Million Tweets Per Day in Archives

The U.S. Library of Congress expects to finish the initial stage of building a Twitter archive by the end of January. The Library is storing 500 million tweets...

Can This Man Save Pinball?
From ACM Careers

Can This Man Save Pinball?

The last guys who tried to save pinball bet all their quarters on a bunch of 3D aliens.

Student Suspended For Refusing to Wear Rfid Tracker Loses Lawsuit
From ACM News

Student Suspended For Refusing to Wear Rfid Tracker Loses Lawsuit

A Texas high school student who claimed her student identification was the "Mark of the Beast" because it was implanted with a radio-frequency identification chip...

Vint Cerf: Internet Competition Has 'evaporated' Since Dial-­p
From ACM Opinion

Vint Cerf: Internet Competition Has 'evaporated' Since Dial-­p

Vint Cerf, co-creator of the Internet, said he is troubled by the prospect of companies like AT&T avoiding government regulation after the transition from traditional...

Revolutionary Paper Tablet Computer Is Thin and Flexible as Sheets of Paper
From ACM TechNews

Revolutionary Paper Tablet Computer Is Thin and Flexible as Sheets of Paper

Researchers at Queen's University, Intel Labs, and Plastic Logic have developed PaperTab, a tablet computer that looks and feels like a sheet of paper. PaperTab...

Researchers ­se Data From Traffic App to Identify High Frequency Accident Locations
From ACM TechNews

Researchers ­se Data From Traffic App to Identify High Frequency Accident Locations

Geosocial networks such as the global positioning system traffic app Waze could aid the police in their effort to deploy resources to high-frequency accident locations...

U.s. Nuclear Lab Removes Chinese Tech Over Security Fears
From ACM News

U.s. Nuclear Lab Removes Chinese Tech Over Security Fears

A leading U.S. nuclear weapons laboratory recently discovered its computer systems contained some Chinese-made network switches and replaced at least two components...

It's All About the Genes and the Brain Machines
From ACM News

It's All About the Genes and the Brain Machines

The amount of time and money needed to sequence genomes continued to fall in 2012, perhaps to no one’s surprise.

Feds Requiring 'black Boxes' in All Motor Vehicles
From ACM News

Feds Requiring 'black Boxes' in All Motor Vehicles

While many automakers have voluntarily installed the devices already, the National Transportation Safety Agency wants to hear your comments by February 11 on its...

China to Build Another 100-Petaflops Hybrid Supercomputer By 2014?
From ACM TechNews

China to Build Another 100-Petaflops Hybrid Supercomputer By 2014?

The Chinese Ministry of Science has commissioned a new 100-petaflop supercomputer to be used in space exploration and health care research, according to a VR-Zone...

Iran Designing Software For Controlled Social Media Access
From ACM TechNews

Iran Designing Software For Controlled Social Media Access

Iran is designing intelligent software that would give its citizens limited access to social networking Web sites, according to a local media report.

Computer Scientists Find Vulnerabilities in Cisco Voip Phones
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Find Vulnerabilities in Cisco Voip Phones

Columbia University researchers have found significant vulnerabilities in Cisco voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) telephones, and have demonstrated how they can...

2013: The Year of the Internet of Things
From ACM TechNews

2013: The Year of the Internet of Things

Researchers at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization  have shown how enabling technologies have rapidly matured and that the Internet...

North Korean Students Show Google Chief How They Search Web
From ACM News

North Korean Students Show Google Chief How They Search Web

Students at North Korea's premier university have showed Google's executive chairman how they look for information online: they Google it.

Antarctic Irc: How Nasa's Flying Lab Stays Connected
From ACM News

Antarctic Irc: How Nasa's Flying Lab Stays Connected

Mars and Antarctica have a lot in common: They're both cold, inhospitable places with terrible broadband service.

Better Than Human: Why Robots Will—and Must—take Our Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Better Than Human: Why Robots Will—and Must—take Our Jobs

It's hard to believe you'd have an economy at all if you gave pink slips to more than half the labor force.

All the World's a Game, and Business Is a Player
From ACM News

All the World's a Game, and Business Is a Player

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