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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Israel Launches Cyber Warfare Training Program
From ACM TechNews

Israel Launches Cyber Warfare Training Program

Israel is recruiting top students for a new cyberwarfare training program. The program shows how Israel is advancing in the field of cybernetics to develop "high...

Robotic 'pack Mule' Would Relieve Equipment Burden For Soldier in the Field
From ACM TechNews

Robotic 'pack Mule' Would Relieve Equipment Burden For Soldier in the Field

DARPA researchers are developing the Legged Squad Support System, a robotic system designed to carry 400 pounds of equipment, walk 20 miles at a time, and serve...

Visionary Images: The Lost Fractals of Benoît Mandelbrot
From ACM News

Visionary Images: The Lost Fractals of Benoît Mandelbrot

Many people know Benoît Mandelbrot from the computer screensavers of a pre-LCD era. Others have a deeper understanding of his mathematics, the repeating geometries...

Supercomputers From IBM ­sed to Improve Jobs in Nevada
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputers From IBM ­sed to Improve Jobs in Nevada

The Desert Research Institute is teaming up with IBM to help improve Nevada's economy.  "This is a transformative step because we're partners with IBM to build...

Five Linux Predictions For 2013
From ACM TechNews

Five Linux Predictions For 2013

Continued improvements to Linux in 2013 should lead to new applications for the open source operating system. The trend of smaller and less expensive computers...

Pentagon Looks to Fix 'pervasive Vulnerability' in Drones
From ACM TechNews

Pentagon Looks to Fix 'pervasive Vulnerability' in Drones

The U.S.'s fleet of robotic drone aircraft has a "pervasive vulnerability" because their control algorithms are written in a fundamentally insecure manner, according...

Outmaneuvered at Their Own Game, Antivirus Makers Struggle to Adapt
From ACM News

Outmaneuvered at Their Own Game, Antivirus Makers Struggle to Adapt

The antivirus industry has a dirty little secret: its products are often not very good at stopping viruses.

Agile Developers Needed, Demand Outpaces Supply: Study
From ACM TechNews

Agile Developers Needed, Demand Outpaces Supply: Study

The number of advertised agile software development jobs outnumbers active candidates by 4.59 to one, according to a recent Yoh Services study.

The Life-Saving Real World Results of Intelligent Vehicle Systems
From ACM TechNews

The Life-Saving Real World Results of Intelligent Vehicle Systems

The European field-operational test on active-safety functions in vehicles project recently completed the first-ever pan-European field operational test to assess...

Marking the Birth of the Modern-Day Internet
From ACM Opinion

Marking the Birth of the Modern-Day Internet

A long time ago, my colleagues and I became part of a great adventure, teamed with a small band of scientists and technologists in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Ftc Offers $50,000 Reward to Help Stop Robocalls
From ACM Careers

Ftc Offers $50,000 Reward to Help Stop Robocalls

Unwanted telemarketing calls, trademarked for interrupting dinners across the nation, have become such a nuisance over the years that the Federal Trade Commission...

How To Charge Your Laptop
From ACM Opinion

How To Charge Your Laptop

Whether they're in our computers, cell phones, or cars, the only time we think about batteries is when they're almost dead and we need to find some place to charge...

Privacy by the Numbers: A New Approach to Safeguarding Data
From ACM News

Privacy by the Numbers: A New Approach to Safeguarding Data

In 1997, when Massachusetts began making health records of state employees available to medical researchers, the government removed patients' names, addresses,...

Can China Prevent Web Pseudonyms? Probably Not
From ACM News

Can China Prevent Web Pseudonyms? Probably Not

Chinese Internet cops are at it again.

Computer Code Frees ­S to Think in New Ways
From ACM TechNews

Computer Code Frees ­S to Think in New Ways

Throughout this past year, U.K. Education Secretary Michael Gove was on a campaign to replace the British schools' ICT curriculum with a computer science program...

Free Search Engine Connects Classrooms With Science and Technology
From ACM TechNews

Free Search Engine Connects Classrooms With Science and Technology

A mobile version of the Gooru educational search engine, which is funded by the U.S. Office of Naval Research, is now available. The Gooru Collections iPad app...

Who Needs Magic Carpet? Tmu Has Virtual Body Chair
From ACM TechNews

Who Needs Magic Carpet? Tmu Has Virtual Body Chair

 Virtual body technology developed at the Tokyo Metropolitan University uses the five senses to recreate experiences such as feeling the wind, stepping on the ground...

Scientists Construct First Map of How the Brain Organizes Everything We See
From ACM News

Scientists Construct First Map of How the Brain Organizes Everything We See

Our eyes may be our window to the world, but how do we make sense of the thousands of images that flood our retinas each day?

­niversity Wins Record $1.17 Billion Verdict Against Marvell Semiconductor
From ACM News

­niversity Wins Record $1.17 Billion Verdict Against Marvell Semiconductor

A Pittsburgh jury found that hard drive control chips made by Marvell Semiconductor infringe two patents owned by Carnegie Mellon University.

Classical Computing Embraces Quantum Ideas
From ACM News

Classical Computing Embraces Quantum Ideas

Someday, quantum computers may be able to solve complex optimization problems, quickly mine huge data sets, simulate the kind of physics experiments that currently...
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