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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Streamlined Rules For Robots
From ACM News

Streamlined Rules For Robots

With the explosion of the Internet and the commoditization of autonomous robots (such as the Roomba) and small sensors (such as the ones in most cell phones),...

Invasion of the Body Hackers
From ACM News

Invasion of the Body Hackers

Michael Galpert rolls over in bed in his New York apartment, the alarm clock still chiming. The 28-year-old internet entrepreneur slips off the headband that’s...

Arrests in Spain Don't Mean Sony's Troubles Are Over
From ACM News

Arrests in Spain Don't Mean Sony's Troubles Are Over

The Spanish police say they've taken down three of the people allegedly behind the massive PlayStation Network security breach in April. But while it's probably...

The First Computer Musician
From ACM News

The First Computer Musician

In 1957 a 30-year-old engineer named Max Mathews got an I.B.M. 704 mainframe computer at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ, to generate 17 seconds...

­t Researchers Launch Spamrankings to Flag Hospitals Hijacked By Spammers
From ACM TechNews

­t Researchers Launch Spamrankings to Flag Hospitals Hijacked By Spammers

Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin recently launched SpamRankings, a Web site that identifies the names and addresses of organizations that are helping...

From ACM TechNews

Johns Hopkins Expert Finds Randomness Rules in Turbulent Flows

Johns Hopkins University professor Gregory Eyink has determined through computer experiments that turbulent fluid flows are dominated by randomness, and has confirmed...

Most Malware Tied to 'pay-Per-Install' Market
From ACM TechNews

Most Malware Tied to 'pay-Per-Install' Market

Researchers have found that most personal computers that get infected with malware were targeted by pay-per-install services, which charge hacking gangs up to $180...

From ACM News

Why There's No Nobel Prize in Computing

When Nobel Prizes are dished out each fall, the most accomplished professionals in computing, telecom, and IT have usually been left out in the cold. That's...

Information Flow Can Reveal Dirty Deeds
From ACM News

Information Flow Can Reveal Dirty Deeds

Political thrillers that portray a "web of corruption" get it all wrong, at least according to an analysis of emails between Enron employees. The flow of the...

From ACM News

I.b.m. Researchers Create High-Speed Graphene Circuits

I.B.M. researchers said Thursday that they had designed high-speed circuits from graphene, an ultra-thin material that has a host of promising applications from...

Sony's Kaz Hirai on the Psn Hack
From ACM News

Sony's Kaz Hirai on the Psn Hack

Sony's deputy president about the PlayStation Network hack, PS Vita and PS3's enduring appeal.

Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo Team Up to Advance Semantic Web
From ACM News

Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo Team Up to Advance Semantic Web

The move may finally encourage widespread use of technology that makes online information as comprehensible to computers as it is to humans. If the effort works...

Nasa Probes Suggest Magnetic Bubbles Reside At Solar System Edge
From ACM News

Nasa Probes Suggest Magnetic Bubbles Reside At Solar System Edge

Observations from NASA's Voyager spacecraft, humanity's farthest deep space sentinels, suggest the edge of our solar system may not be smooth, but filled with...

Army Seeks Social Media Gurus to Save Afghan War
From ACM News

Army Seeks Social Media Gurus to Save Afghan War

Know how to Tweet? Or how to put words into the mouths of foreign security functionaries? If so, the U.S. Army wants you to help un-quagmire the Afghanistan war...

Tracking Down Twitter's Best Rumor Spreaders
From ACM News

Tracking Down Twitter's Best Rumor Spreaders

Sometimes it's easy to know which messages will spread through Twitter like wildfire. Just ask Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-New York), who faces pressure to resign...

From ACM News

Apple Surpasses Hewlett-Packard as Largest buyer of Chips, iSuppli Says

U.s. Commerce Department Calls For Public-Private Partnership on Cybersecurity
From ACM TechNews

U.s. Commerce Department Calls For Public-Private Partnership on Cybersecurity

The U.S. Department of Commerce's Internet Policy Task Force is urging collaboration between the department and private-sector businesses to establish a set of...

From ACM TechNews

Css 2.1 Emerges as Official Web Standard

The CSS 2.1 standard for Web page formatting has been completed. Although much of the Web world has moved on to CSS 3, the CSS 2.1 standard has reached a key milestone...

Nist Contests in China Put Next-Gen Robot Technologies to the Test
From ACM TechNews

Nist Contests in China Put Next-Gen Robot Technologies to the Test

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology recently hosted three of the four robotics competitions at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics...

At&t Researchers Call For Smartphone Apps That Won't Suck Your Battery Dry
From ACM TechNews

At&t Researchers Call For Smartphone Apps That Won't Suck Your Battery Dry

AT&T researchers are calling on developers to build more energy-aware apps to conserve battery life in smartphones. 
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