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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Stuxnet Attack Forced Britain to Rethink the Cyber War
From ACM News

Stuxnet Attack Forced Britain to Rethink the Cyber War

The pieces of the puzzle began to take shape, and then fall into place, on 17 June last year, when Sergey Ulasen was emailed by a dealer in Tehran about an irritating...

Why Has H-1b Visa Demand Plummeted?
From ACM News

Why Has H-1b Visa Demand Plummeted?

The once-coveted H-1B visa that enables skilled non-citizens to work legally in the U.S. is not the prize it once was. What’s happened?

From ACM News

Apple of My Eye? ­.s. Fancies a Huge Metaphor Repository

Researchers with the U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity want to build a repository of metaphors. You read that right. Not just American/English...

Honing Household Helpers
From ACM News

Honing Household Helpers

Imagine a robot able to retrieve a pile of laundry from the back of a cluttered closet, deliver it to a washing machine, start the cycle and then zip off to the...

From ACM News

Funny Science Sparks Serious Spat

U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., issued a 73-page report, "The National Science Foundation: Under the Microscope," after months of signals from GOP leaders that the...

Gaming the Archives
From ACM TechNews

Gaming the Archives

Dartmouth College researchers have developed Metadata Games, an experiment that uses crowdsourcing to create archival metadata. 

Home-Computer ­sers at Risk Due to ­se of 'folk Model' Security
From ACM TechNews

Home-Computer ­sers at Risk Due to ­se of 'folk Model' Security

Most home computer users attempt to secure their machines based on folk models, or their beliefs about hackers or viruses, according to new research by Michigan...

From ACM TechNews

New Bandwidth Management Techniques Boost Operating Efficiency in Multi-Core Chips

North Carolina State University researchers have developed two techniques that make semiconductor bandwidth allocation and data prefetching more efficient. 

What Bitcoin Is, and Why It Matters
From ACM News

What Bitcoin Is, and Why It Matters

Recent weeks have been exciting for a relatively new kind of currency speculator. In just three weeks, the total value of a unique new digital currency called...

Code-Cracking Machine Returned to Life
From ACM News

Code-Cracking Machine Returned to Life

The National Museum of Computing has finished restoring a Tunny machine—a key part of Allied code-cracking during World War II.

Automotive Black Boxes, Minus the Gray Area
From ACM News

Automotive Black Boxes, Minus the Gray Area

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will later this year propose a requirement that all new vehicles contain an event data recorder, known more...

New 3D Map of ­niverse Is Best One Yet
From ACM News

New 3D Map of ­niverse Is Best One Yet

Astronomers have created the most complete 3D map of our local universe, revealing new details about our place in the cosmos. The map shows all visible structures...

Webp, Google's Answer to Jpeg, Gets Better Quality
From ACM TechNews

Webp, Google's Answer to Jpeg, Gets Better Quality

Google has improved the quality of WebP, an Internet image format that Google says will make the Web faster, but now the company must convince people to use it...

From ACM TechNews

Mathematically Ranking Ranking Methods

A paper on an effort to mathematically analyze three commonly-used ranking methods appears this month in the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 

In Brazil, an Explosion in Computing Power Is Revolutionizing Weather Prediction
From ACM TechNews

In Brazil, an Explosion in Computing Power Is Revolutionizing Weather Prediction

Rio de Janeiro recently launched a new command center, equipped with IBM's Deep Thunder supercomputer, dedicated to developing more advanced weather prediction...

From ACM TechNews

­.s. International Cyberspace Policy Sounds Good; Will Be Hard to Implement

Although ambitious, the White House's recently issued International Strategy for Cyberspace could be difficult to deploy as some of its objectives conflict and...

From ACM News

DARPA Challenge Offers Public $100,000 For Small ­nmanned Aircraft

If you think you can build the next generation of unmanned flying aircraft, the scientists at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency want to hear from...

From ACM News

How Drudge Has Stayed on Top

For most big news Web sites, about 60 percent of the traffic is homegrown, people who come directly to the site by dint of a bookmark or typing in www.latimes...

Google Search Patterns Could Track Mrsa Spread
From ACM TechNews

Google Search Patterns Could Track Mrsa Spread

Google searches might enable public health experts to better fight drug-resistant staph infections, according to the University of Chicago's Diane Lauderdale.

All the News That's Fit For You
From Communications of the ACM

All the News That's Fit For You

Personalized news promises to make daily journalism profitable again, but technical and cultural obstacles have slowed the industry's adoption of automated personalization...
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