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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Unlimited Possibilities
From Communications of the ACM

Unlimited Possibilities

M. Frans Kaashoek discusses systems work, "undo computing," and what he learned from Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

The Promise of Flexible Displays
From Communications of the ACM

The Promise of Flexible Displays

New screen materials could lead to portable devices that are anything but rectangular, flat, and unbendable.

Beauty and Elegance
From Communications of the ACM

Beauty and Elegance

Leslie Valiant talks about machine learning; parallel computing, and his quest for simplicity.

Blind Children of India Helping Scientists See Into the Brain
From ACM TechNews

Blind Children of India Helping Scientists See Into the Brain

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers are working with 300,000 blind children living in the Indian subcontinent to treat their blindness and learn more...

Biology-Inspired Networking
From Communications of the ACM

Biology-Inspired Networking

Researchers have developed a new networking algorithm, modeled after the neurological development of the fruit fly, to help distributed networks self-organize more...

Homemade Cyberweapon Worries Federal Officials
From ACM TechNews

Homemade Cyberweapon Worries Federal Officials

Security researchers Dillon Beresford and Brian Meixell recently developed a cyberweapon similar to the Stuxnet computer worm that disrupted Iran's nuclear program...

Tim Berners-Lee Calls For 'sophisticated' Social Network
From ACM TechNews

Tim Berners-Lee Calls For 'sophisticated' Social Network

Academics and scientists should have a next-generation social network for sharing knowledge more efficiently and collaborating on projects, says Sir Tim Berners...

Tracking the Flow of Knowledge
From ACM News

Tracking the Flow of Knowledge

Do scientists' job locations have any impact on the way their work spreads? Or, in today’s highly networked world, does research flow around the globe without...

The Best Error Pages on the Web
From ACM News

The Best Error Pages on the Web

Anyone who has spent enough time online has at one point reached a dead end–known in Internet parlance as a 404 page. So what causes them? Web designers are coming...

New Ports Give Pcs More Speed and Flexibility
From ACM News

New Ports Give Pcs More Speed and Flexibility

Computer shoppers are used to considering features such as design, processor speed, memory, battery life, and hard-disk size. But there's something else they...

Open Source Hardware: Seven Questions For Limor Fried
From ACM News

Open Source Hardware: Seven Questions For Limor Fried

Limor Fried discusses the future of the open source hardware movement, Facebook’s decision to open source its new data center, and being featured on the cover of...

NASA Concludes Attempts To Contact Mars Rover Spirit
From ACM News

NASA Concludes Attempts To Contact Mars Rover Spirit

NASA is ending attempts to regain contact with the long-lived Mars Exploration Rover Spirit, which last communicated on March 22, 2010.

Start-­p Gambles Folks Will Wear Special Contacts to Get Their Reality Augmented
From ACM News

Start-­p Gambles Folks Will Wear Special Contacts to Get Their Reality Augmented

There could be a lot of reasons why virtual reality hasn’t taken off, and the bulky glasses may not be the only thing holding back the industry.

From ACM News

Augmented Reality Has Potential to Reshape Our Lives

TV football fans are used to seeing augmented reality in action. That virtual yellow first-down line superimposed on an actual football field is one of the more...

From ACM News

Calculating the Potential Return on Your Major

As the cost of college climbs ever higher each year, amid a national economic forecast that remains cloudy, questions about the value of a four-year degree are...

FBI Set to Kill Secret-Stealing Russian 'Botnet.' Is Your Computer Infected?
From ACM TechNews

FBI Set to Kill Secret-Stealing Russian 'Botnet.' Is Your Computer Infected?

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation has seized control of a Russian botnet that commandeered millions of personal computers that may have penetrated U.S. diplomatic...

Red Hot: The Computer Science Job Market
From ACM TechNews

Red Hot: The Computer Science Job Market

Across the United States, new computer science graduates from strong programs are receiving extraordinary job offers, with starting salaries as high as $105,000...

Ncsa Installing 153 Teraflop Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

Ncsa Installing 153 Teraflop Supercomputer

The U.S. National Center for Supercomputing Applications has begun installing Forge, a 153-teraflop hybrid supercomputer that contains both central processing units...

Movement Through the Power of the Mind
From ACM TechNews

Movement Through the Power of the Mind

U.S. universities are conducting research in motor memory and brain-machine interfaces. A Brown University research team is developing technologies to restore the...

New Research Shows Keystroke Biometric Is an Effective Method to Id, Authenticate Online Test Takers
From ACM TechNews

New Research Shows Keystroke Biometric Is an Effective Method to Id, Authenticate Online Test Takers

Pace University researchers have found that the keystroke biometric is an inexpensive and effective method for user identification and authentication. 
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