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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

A Nielsen Acquisition Focused on Brain Waves

The Nielsen Company has acquired the rest of a company, NeuroFocus, that specializes in the nascent realm of researching whether neuroscience can be applied to...

Cisco's Stumble: Did CEO John Chambers Underestimate Silicon Valley Rivals?
From ACM News

Cisco's Stumble: Did CEO John Chambers Underestimate Silicon Valley Rivals?

Even in the depths of the Great Recession, while other businesses hunkered down, Cisco CEO John Chambers was eager to expand.

Security 'tokens' Take Hit
From ACM News

Security 'tokens' Take Hit

RSA Security is offering to provide security monitoring or replace its well-known SecurID tokens—devices used by millions of corporate workers to securely log...

How Nations Block Facebook
From ACM News

How Nations Block Facebook

Last month, Facebook came close to signing up its 700 millionth user. But it is no “friend” of governments—including China, Iran, and Syria—that block it and other...

From ACM News

Chinese Experts Say Gmail Hacking Accusation Evil-Intentioned

Google lacked evidence to support its accusations that Chinese hackers are behind the alleged cyber attacks on hundreds of its email accounts and the timing to...

Chefs Who Spy? Tracking Google's Hackers in China
From ACM News

Chefs Who Spy? Tracking Google's Hackers in China

From this city of six million, Shandong Lanxiang Vocational School quietly churns out 30,000 mechanics, barbers, and welders each year. One of its triumphs was...

Superfast Search Engine Speeds Past the Competition
From ACM TechNews

Superfast Search Engine Speeds Past the Competition

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researchers have developed FastBit, a new approach to searching huge databases that can search databases up to 100 times faster...

Social Media Fortifies Bond Between Scientists
From ACM TechNews

Social Media Fortifies Bond Between Scientists

More than 1 million people are using a social network for researchers called ResearchGate, which is meant to  facilitate the exchange of information among researchers...

Why Talking Is So Much Tougher Than Math
From ACM TechNews

Why Talking Is So Much Tougher Than Math

In a recent interview, University of Toronto artificial intelligence professor Geoffrey Hinton discussed AI's future, including the technology's future opportunities...

From ACM TechNews

Smarter Software Development

Victoria University researchers have collaborated with researchers from other New Zealand universities during the last four years to make software development faster...

Apple's Path to the App Store Wasn't a Straight Road
From ACM News

Apple's Path to the App Store Wasn't a Straight Road

The unveiling of the iPhone almost four years ago stands as a pivotal moment in computing history. The elegant design not only ushered in the mobile computing...

Caltech Researchers Build Largest Biochemical Circuit Out of Small Synthetic DNA Molecules
From ACM TechNews

Caltech Researchers Build Largest Biochemical Circuit Out of Small Synthetic DNA Molecules

California Institute of Technology researchers say they have built the most complex biochemical circuit ever created out of DNA-based devices. 

Phase Change Memory-Based 'moneta' System Points to the Future of Computer Storage
From ACM TechNews

Phase Change Memory-Based 'moneta' System Points to the Future of Computer Storage

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have developed Moneta, a phase-change memory, solid state storage device that is thousands of times faster...

The Million-Dollar Puzzle That Could Change the World
From ACM TechNews

The Million-Dollar Puzzle That Could Change the World

The single biggest problem in computer science, for which the Clay Mathematics Institute is offering a $1 million prize, is determining whether P equals NP, which...

From ACM News

Sri: Silicon Valley's Old School Incubator

These days, it seems there's a new incubator for just about every pair of 19-year-olds working on a mobile-payment startup. Long ago, before Y Combinator and...

Making the Case For Security
From ACM News

Making the Case For Security

Major corporations have made serious mistakes with information security recently, resulting in spectacular failures to protect business and customer records....

Google's Ceo Steps Into Spotlight
From ACM News

Google's Ceo Steps Into Spotlight

In his most extensive public comments since becoming Google's CEO, Larry Page on Thursday delivered a carefully crafted response to critics who say the company...

The Next Great Resource Shortage: U.S. Scientists
From ACM News

The Next Great Resource Shortage: U.S. Scientists

The word "stem" is tossed around so much at education meetings these days, you'd think you were at a gardening seminar. STEM is shorthand for "science, technology...

The Rise of a New Science Superpower?
From ACM News

The Rise of a New Science Superpower?

Since the turn of the 21st century, the number scientific papers published predominantly by Chinese researchers in any of the Nature journals has risen from six...

Tapping Quantum Effects For Software that Learns
From ACM News

Tapping Quantum Effects For Software that Learns

In a bid to enable computers to learn faster, defense company Lockheed Martin has bought a system that uses quantum mechanics to process digital data.
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