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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

App-Specific Processors to Fight Dark Silicon
From ACM TechNews

App-Specific Processors to Fight Dark Silicon

University of California, San Diego researchers working on the GreenDroid project have developed software that scans the Android operating system and its most popular...

Rutgers Team Proposes Net Alternative
From ACM TechNews

Rutgers Team Proposes Net Alternative

Rutgers University researchers recently launched MondoNet, a wireless network initiative designed to create a more open alternative to the Internet.

From ACM News

A Glimpse Inside Google's Beijing Headquarters

Google may appear to be under siege in China, but a sense of normalcy—Google style—pervades the company's headquarters here.

Google, a Giant in Mobile Search, Seeks New Ways to Make It Pay
From ACM News

Google, a Giant in Mobile Search, Seeks New Ways to Make It Pay

In early 2008, in the early days of the iPhone era, Google engineers began noticing something unusual in the search engine’s logs. Owners of these new phones...

Origami: Not Just For Paper Anymore
From ACM News

Origami: Not Just For Paper Anymore

While the primary job of DNA in cells is to carry genetic information from one generation to the next, some scientists also see the highly stable and programmable...

Voyager Set to Enter Interstellar Space
From ACM News

Voyager Set to Enter Interstellar Space

More than 30 years after they left Earth, NASA's twin Voyager probes are now at the edge of the solar system.

From ACM News

Court Hears Arguments In Data Mining Case

The U.S. Supreme Court appeared split on Tuesday as it considered a case testing state limits on data mining. At issue is whether states can bar the buying, selling...

Cloud Computing and Internet ­se Suck Energy, Emit Co2, Says Greenpeace
From ACM TechNews

Cloud Computing and Internet ­se Suck Energy, Emit Co2, Says Greenpeace

If it were a country, the Internet would rank fifth in the world in electricity usage, according to a new report on cloud computing from Greenpeace.

Caterpillars Inspire New Movements in Soft Robots
From ACM TechNews

Caterpillars Inspire New Movements in Soft Robots

A strategy that caterpillars employ to escape predators could be used to improve the speed of soft-bodied search-and-rescue robots, say Tufts University researchers...

­a Engineers Win Patent For Protein-Based Electronic Circuits
From ACM TechNews

­a Engineers Win Patent For Protein-Based Electronic Circuits

University of Arizona researchers have patented a process for building microscopic wiring circuits made of copper insulated by proteins known as microtubules.

Tools For Better Web Design
From ACM TechNews

Tools For Better Web Design

Stanford University's Human Computer Interaction group creates tools to help Web designers take advantage of open source programs to improve and adapt designs more...

Jobs and Apple Execs on Tracking Down the Facts About Iphones and Location
From ACM Opinion

Jobs and Apple Execs on Tracking Down the Facts About Iphones and Location

Although Apple was silent for several days after researchers raised issues about location information being stored on the iPhone, that wasn’t because it was ignoring...

Mac vs. Pc: The Stereotypes May Be True
From ACM News

Mac vs. Pc: The Stereotypes May Be True

Remember those Apple ads that cast the Mac as a 20-something, self-satisfied hipster while the PC was portrayed by an older, square-looking guy in a brown suit...

China: 900 Million Mobile ­sers Asking Themselves "iphone or Android"?
From ACM News

China: 900 Million Mobile ­sers Asking Themselves "iphone or Android"?

In Apple's second quarter, iPhone sales in China surged nearly 250% year over year, making the country the iPhone's fastest growing market—a title it will retain...

Learning Science Through Gaming
From ACM News

Learning Science Through Gaming

An MIT-produced interactive game, "Vanished," now being played by thousands online, offers a novel experiment in alternative science education.

Digging Deeper, Seeing Farther: Supercomputers Alter Science
From ACM News

Digging Deeper, Seeing Farther: Supercomputers Alter Science

Inside a darkened theater a viewer floats in a redwood forest displayed with Imax-like clarity on a cavernous overhead screen.

Mars's Frozen Ocean of Carbon Dioxide
From ACM News

Mars's Frozen Ocean of Carbon Dioxide

Mars is a dry, frigid, dusty, nearly airless place. A couple of billion years ago, though, it wasn't much different from Earth.

The Really Smart Phone
From ACM News

The Really Smart Phone

Researchers are harvesting a wealth of intimate detail from our cellphone data, uncovering the hidden patterns of our social lives, travels, risk of disease—even...

Researchers Create Functioning Synapse ­sing Carbon Nanotubes
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Create Functioning Synapse ­sing Carbon Nanotubes

Using an interdisciplinary approach that combines circuit design with nanotechnology, University of Southern California researchers have built a circuit that acts...

Quantum Computer Scientist's Aim
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computer Scientist's Aim

University of Arkansas physicist Jak Chakhalian is seeking a new miniature building block for quantum computers, using a new class of nanomaterials known as topological...
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