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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Chemical Computers Solve Shapely Puzzles
From ACM TechNews

Chemical Computers Solve Shapely Puzzles

Chemical computers can solve certain problems in computational geometry, according to University of West England professor Andrew Adamatzky and colleagues.

Finding Experts: It's Who You Know
From ACM News

Finding Experts: It's Who You Know

While current expert-finding methods provided the best expert in six out of 10 searches, a new user-oriented method finds the best one nine times out of 10, according...

Joichi Ito Named Director of MIT Media Lab
From ACM News

Joichi Ito Named Director of MIT Media Lab

MIT announced that Joichi (“Joi” — pronounced “Joey”) Ito has been selected as the next director of the MIT Media Lab.

From ACM News

Apple, Google Leagues Ahead in Developer Survey

Google lost some ground in its effort to catch Apple's lead in the effort to attract mobile developer interest, but other rivals aren't even close, survey data...

From ACM News

Iran Target of New Cyber Attack

Iran has been targeted by a new computer worm named Stars, the director of Iran's Passive Defense Organization announces.

From ACM News

When There

Information overload is a headache for individuals and a huge challenge for businesses. Companies are swimming, if not drowning, in wave after wave of data—from...

Indie Truckers: Keep Big Brother Out Of My Cab
From ACM News

Indie Truckers: Keep Big Brother Out Of My Cab

Terry Button is a fifth-generation farmer from upstate New York who also works as a long-distance trucker, hauling hay and produce up and down the East Coast.

Cybersecurity System Mimics Human Immune Response
From ACM TechNews

Cybersecurity System Mimics Human Immune Response

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Bruce McConnell recently released a white paper about a healthy ecosystem of computers  that can automatically recognize...

Designs With a Deeper Purpose
From ACM TechNews

Designs With a Deeper Purpose

Microsoft software design specialist Bill Buxton wants developers to focus on innovations that can improve humans' quality of life.

Car Computer Controls Could Be Vulnerable to Hackers
From ACM News

Car Computer Controls Could Be Vulnerable to Hackers

Researchers claim to wirelessly break into automobile networks to take control of brakes and steering as the automobile industry shores up defenses.

Michigan Police Use Device to Download Cellphone Data; Aclu Objects
From ACM News

Michigan Police Use Device to Download Cellphone Data; Aclu Objects

A high-tech gadget that can quickly download information from a cellphone is at the center of a controversy that's pitting civil liberties advocates against state...

How People Broadcast Their Locations Without Meaning To
From ACM News

How People Broadcast Their Locations Without Meaning To

Smartphones include geotagging features many people aren't aware of.

Researchers Succeed in Quantum Teleportation of Light Waves
From ACM News

Researchers Succeed in Quantum Teleportation of Light Waves

Like Schrödinger's cat, teleported light is both dead and alive.

See Ancient Earth from Space
From ACM News

See Ancient Earth from Space

Over the past 750 million years, our blue marble has gone through remarkable changes; continents have shifted, ice ages have come and gone, sea levels have risen...

Tech Jobs Boom Like It's 1999
From ACM TechNews

Tech Jobs Boom Like It's 1999

Technology companies recently have been on the biggest hiring binge in more than 10 years, with potential employees are being lured with big contracts, bonuses,...

Web Science Meets Network Science
From Communications of the ACM

Web Science Meets Network Science

A pair of divergent scientific communities discusses their similarities and differences, and search for common ground.

Deus Ex Machina
From Communications of the ACM

Deus Ex Machina

Computational metaphysics is helping philosophers answer age-old questions, such as whether God exists.

Data Optimization in Developing Nations
From Communications of the ACM

Data Optimization in Developing Nations

Artificial intelligence and machine learning could expand access to health care, improve the quality of education, and respond effectively to natural disasters...

I, Domestic Robot
From Communications of the ACM

I, Domestic Robot

With recent advances in laser rangefinders, faster algorithms, and open source robotic operating systems, researchers are increasing domestic robots' semantic and...

Sorting Through Photos
From Communications of the ACM

Sorting Through Photos

Teaching computers to understand pictures could lead to search engines capable of identifying and organizing large datasets of visual information.
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