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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Busy Job of Judging Video-Game Content to Be Ceded to Machines

The little E's, T's, and M's that appear on the covers of video games get there the old-fashioned way: People working for the Entertainment Software Rating Board...

From ACM News

The Marketing Gadget That Tracks Brainwaves As You Watch Tv

Would you feel comfortable if market researchers could know your every thought? A headband designed by San Francisco firm EmSense can sense your brainwaves as...

Remembering Jean Bartik
From ACM News

Remembering Jean Bartik

Jean Bartik, notable to computer historians as one of the original six programmers on the ENIAC project, died on March 23, 2011.

Hoops 2.0: Inside the Nba
From ACM News

Hoops 2.0: Inside the Nba

Outside Oracle Arena, it’s a balmy 65-degree spring day. But up in the building’s rafters, 80-odd feet above the hardwood floor, the air is crisp and the view...

Like Europa, Titan May Have a Giant Subsurface Ocean
From ACM News

Like Europa, Titan May Have a Giant Subsurface Ocean

In the seven years Cassini has spent orbiting Saturn, the spacecraft has sent back mountains of data that has changed our view of the ringed planet and its moons...

From ACM News

Iranian General Accuses Siemens of Helping ­.s., Israel Build Stuxnet

An Iranian military commander Saturday accused the German electronics giant Siemens with helping U.S. and Israeli teams craft the Stuxnet worm that attacked his...

Using Computers and Sensors to Curb Electricity Use in Buildings
From ACM TechNews

Using Computers and Sensors to Curb Electricity Use in Buildings

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have developed algorithms and a real-time occupancy sensor network to create a smart heating, ventilation...

New Global Portal For Cyber-Physical Systems Research Launched
From ACM TechNews

New Global Portal For Cyber-Physical Systems Research Launched

Vanderbilt University's Institute for Software Integrated Systems recently launched the Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization, a U.S. National Science Foundation...

From ACM TechNews

Mentorship Key For Women in It, Says Collaborate Panel

A recent panel discussion at the Collaborate 11 Oracle user conference concluded that mentors and sponsors are crucial to helping women advance their careers in...

Aberdeen Researchers to Collaborate With India on Development of Trusted Mobile Technologies For Rural Healthcare
From ACM TechNews

Aberdeen Researchers to Collaborate With India on Development of Trusted Mobile Technologies For Rural Healthcare

University of Aberdeen researchers, in collaboration with Indian institutions, are launching the TRUMP project, a three-year study to explore how mobile technologies...

From ACM News

Robots on the Farm

Commercial farms of the future may be staffed by robots that will identify, spray and pick individual pieces of produce from plants, even when their targets are...

From ACM News

Testing Google's Panda Algorithm: Cnet Analysis

Google's sweeping changes to Web site rankings have roiled the Web industry, including the company's announcement last week that its algorithms now incorporate...

Reprogrammable Chips Could Enable Instant Gadget Upgrades
From ACM News

Reprogrammable Chips Could Enable Instant Gadget Upgrades

Obsolescence is the curse of electronics: no sooner have you bought a gadget than its hardware is outdated. A new, low cost type of microchip that can rearrange...

The Business Market Plays Cloud Computing Catch-­p
From ACM News

The Business Market Plays Cloud Computing Catch-­p

The big spenders on technology are businesses and government agencies. They buy about 75% of the computing goods and services sold worldwide. Yet it is increasingly...

From ACM TechNews

New Kde Project Aims at Tablets, Mixed ­is

KDE is developing two open source projects designed to provide a consistent user interface across a variety of touchscreen interfaces and to advance data integration...

Can Supercomputers Help Japan Predict Earthquakes?
From ACM TechNews

Can Supercomputers Help Japan Predict Earthquakes?

Dell Computer and several U.S. universities have provided Japanese researchers with supercomputing capacity following the March 11 earthquake, as rolling blackouts...

Computational Thinking 'vital For Child's Analytical Ability'
From ACM TechNews

Computational Thinking 'vital For Child's Analytical Ability'

Computational thinking ought to be embedded within educational programs in order to cultivate children's analytical ability, says CMU professor Jeannette M. Wing...

From ACM News

Evolutionary Babel Was in Southern Africa

Where did humanity utter its first words? A new linguistic analysis attempts to rewrite the story of Babel by borrowing from the methods of genetic analysis—and...

Kinect For Windows Sdk Means Business
From ACM News

Kinect For Windows Sdk Means Business

Microsoft had some fun while offering up details of the software development kit for Kinect for Windows. A technology evangelist named Clint Rutkas jury-rigged...

Mobile App Talent Pool Is Shallow
From ACM News

Mobile App Talent Pool Is Shallow

This year, magazine publisher Hearst Corp. intends to add five software engineers to its mobile development staff. Social-networking company Ning Inc. plans to...
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