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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Ibm's Watson Not As Smart As You Think

As smart as IBM's Watson supercomputer may have seemed while defeating two former Jeopardy champions, it wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with or speak...

Hmi ­ses Human Eye to Control Robot-Mounted Cameras
From ACM TechNews

Hmi ­ses Human Eye to Control Robot-Mounted Cameras

A new human-machine interface enables users to control cameras mounted on a remote robot with their eye movements. The system combines advanced eye-tracking technology...

From ACM TechNews

Speedier Nanotube Circuits

Stanford University researchers recently expanded on an earlier study involving the development of faster nanotube circuits, which could lead to their use in complex...

Bye-Bye Electrons? Circuit Made From Flowing Atoms
From ACM TechNews

Bye-Bye Electrons? Circuit Made From Flowing Atoms

Kevin Wright and colleagues at NIST chilled 100,000 sodium atoms then used lasers to shape the blob of atoms into a torus and give it enough energy to circulate...

From ACM TechNews

Students Turn Cell Phone Into Mobile Microscope

Students at the University of California, Davis, and the University of Central Florida have developed a way to turn smartphones into virtual microscopes that can...

Cameras Read License Plates, Helping City's Police
From ACM News

Cameras Read License Plates, Helping City's Police

When Luis Zeledon was captured by detectives, it was probably safe to say that he had not intended to be found. He was hiding in someone else’s apartment in Queens...

Online Photos: Are They New Digital Fingerprints?
From ACM News

Online Photos: Are They New Digital Fingerprints?

For Mike Smith, Facebook is a fort for communicating freely with friends online. Within the confines of that giant yet access-restricted network, the music-software...

Dialing with Your Thoughts
From ACM News

Dialing with Your Thoughts

Researchers in California have created a way to place a call on a cell phone using just your thoughts. Their new brain-computer interface is almost 100 percent...

Mathematical Model Simulating Rat Whiskers Provides Insight Into Sense of Touch
From ACM News

Mathematical Model Simulating Rat Whiskers Provides Insight Into Sense of Touch

Researchers at Northwestern University have developed a mathematical model that will allow them to simulate how rats use their whiskers to sense objects around...

Universities, Industry Clash on Need For Open-Source Fpgas
From ACM News

Universities, Industry Clash on Need For Open-Source Fpgas

Would open-source field-programmable gate arrays simplify academic research on reconfigurable computing? Researchers say yes, but industry disagrees.

Intel, on the Outside, Takes Aim at Smartphones
From ACM News

Intel, on the Outside, Takes Aim at Smartphones

With an "Intel Inside" sticker affixed to their PCs, computer buyers in the 1990s could hardly avoid knowing whose microchip was making their machines work. The...

From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence For Improving Data Processing

Carlos III University of Madrid recently hosted a group of AI experts to discuss the technology's latest advances. Five researchers discussed issues including...

Scientists Find Way to Map Brain's Complexity
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Find Way to Map Brain's Complexity

University College London researchers are developing a computer model of the brain by mapping the connections and functions of nerve cells. The study is part of...

Facebook Opens Up Its Hardware Secrets
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Opens Up Its Hardware Secrets

Facebook plans to open the designs and specifications of its new super-efficient data center. The company wants to encourage software-style openness for hardware...

From ACM TechNews

Technique For Letting Brain Talk to Computers Now Tunes in Speech

Washington University in St. Louis researchers are studying a brain computing interface they developed that can be used to analyze the frequency of brain wave activity...

High-Performance Computing Cluster Will Aid Research
From ACM TechNews

High-Performance Computing Cluster Will Aid Research

Temple University has a new high-performance computer cluster comprised of more than 100 nodes that will significantly enhance the high-speed computing capabilities...

Expert Gives Tips on Safeguarding Against Data Theft
From ACM News

Expert Gives Tips on Safeguarding Against Data Theft

Nick Feamster, assistant professor at Georgia Tech's College of Computing and researcher at the Georgia Tech Information Security Center offers his expertise on...

Technique for Letting Brain Talk to Computers Now Tunes in Speech
From ACM News

Technique for Letting Brain Talk to Computers Now Tunes in Speech

The act of mind reading is something usually reserved for science-fiction movies but researchers in America have used a technique, usually associated with identifying...

From ACM News

Internet Probe Can Track You Down to Within 690 Metres

Online adverts could soon start stalking you. A new way of working out where you are by looking at your internet connection could pin down your current location...

Augmented Reality Interface Exploits Human Nervous System
From ACM News

Augmented Reality Interface Exploits Human Nervous System

The most important function of the brain is figuring out what to ignore: Research suggests that we can process only about one percent of the visual information...
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