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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Gravity Satellite Yields 'potato Earth' View
From ACM News

Gravity Satellite Yields 'potato Earth' View

It looks like a giant potato in space. And yet, the information in this model is the sharpest view we have of how gravity varies across the Earth.

Ancient Greek Computer Had Surprising Sun Tracker
From ACM News

Ancient Greek Computer Had Surprising Sun Tracker

The world's oldest astronomical calculator is famous for having intricate gear systems centuries ahead of their time. But new work shows the Antikythera mechanism...

Ruling Spurs Effort to Form Digital Public Library
From ACM News

Ruling Spurs Effort to Form Digital Public Library

Is the tantalizing dream of a universal library dead? Some scholars and librarians across the country fear it may be, now that a federal judge in New York has...

Google Making App that Would Identify People's Faces
From ACM News

Google Making App that Would Identify People's Faces

Google is working on a mobile application that would allow users to snap pictures of people's faces in order to access their personal information, a director...

From ACM News

Social Search, Without a Social Network

Google may be built on an algorithm for taming the Web, but yesterday the company added social features that will let your friends help determine what ranks high...

National Science Board Talks "big Data"
From ACM TechNews

National Science Board Talks "big Data"

The U.S. National Science Board recently held a panel discussion exploring the data challenges facing the future of science and engineering research, with the goal...

Targeted Results
From ACM TechNews

Targeted Results

MIT and Tel Aviv University researchers recently presented a mathematical framework for finding localized solutions to complex calculations, such as classic CS problems...

From ACM News

New Protocol Turbocharges the Web

Over the past 15 years, Web-based applications have gradually replaced those based on other networking protocols for everything from personal communications to...

Targeted Results
From ACM News

Targeted Results

By envisioning data as "graphs," MIT researchers show how to find local solutions to otherwise overwhelmingly complex problems.

From ACM News

Wireless Networks Coming to ­.s. Subway Systems, Slowly

Years after Wi-Fi connections have become ubiquitous on university campuses, in coffee shops, and in public buildings, the ability to connect to the Internet...

From ACM News

Social-Media Tools ­sed to Target Corporate Secrets

Not long after airstrikes began in Libya earlier this month, certain attorneys at four U.S. law firms, known for having high-profile clients in the oil industry...

Silicene: It Could Be the New Graphene
From ACM TechNews

Silicene: It Could Be the New Graphene

Japanese researchers have created atom-thin sheets of silicon, called silicene, that resemble graphene and could have electronic applications.

Deciphering Old Texts, One Woozy, Curvy Word at a Time
From ACM TechNews

Deciphering Old Texts, One Woozy, Curvy Word at a Time

Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHAS) are being used to transform old texts riddled with smudges, crooked type,...

Dhs Seeks to Grow Antibodies in Cyberspace
From ACM TechNews

Dhs Seeks to Grow Antibodies in Cyberspace

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently released a white paper describing a tripartite approach to cybersecurity based on automation, interoperability...

Companies Hope to 'program' the Internet
From ACM News

Companies Hope to 'program' the Internet

Most data networks could be faster, more energy efficient, and more secure. But network hardware—switches, routers, and other devices—is essentially locked down...

Can Google Reinvent Web Video?
From ACM News

Can Google Reinvent Web Video?

An ambitious attempt by Google to shift the Web over to a new, royalty-free video format has taken significant strides. New software has been released that can...

The Secret to Some of Lucasfilm's Magic: Nvidia's Gpu Chips
From ACM News

The Secret to Some of Lucasfilm's Magic: Nvidia's Gpu Chips

Like the visual effects you've been seeing in movies these days? Of course, you already know that in most cases they're computer-generated. And as you've seen...

From ACM TechNews

Multicore Coding Standards Aim to Ease Programming

The Multicore Association has established specifications for a programming model designed to make it easier to write software for multicore chips, particularly...

From ACM News

­.s. Spy Agency Is Said to Investigate Nasdaq Hacker Attack

The National Security Agency, the top U.S. electronic intelligence service, has joined a probe of the October cyber attack on Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. amid evidence...

Online 3D Insect Sleuth Tells Friend From Foe
From ACM TechNews

Online 3D Insect Sleuth Tells Friend From Foe

A new online system could make it easier for Australia to identify invasive fire ants, which were accidentally imported into the country two decades ago.
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