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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Swiping Is the Easy Part
From ACM News

Swiping Is the Easy Part

The cellphone has been more than a cellphone for years, but soon it could take on an entirely new role—standing in for all of the credit and debit cards crammed...

Fake Tweets By 'socialbot' Fool Hundreds of Followers
From ACM TechNews

Fake Tweets By 'socialbot' Fool Hundreds of Followers

Three socialbots recently integrated themselves into a group of Twitter users, gained 250 followers, and received 240 responses to the tweets they sent over a two...

From ACM News

Diamond Could Store Quantum Information

Could be that diamonds are a geek’s best friend. Scientists have developed a new way to manipulate atoms inside diamond crystals so that they store information...

From ACM News

Big Data to Drive a Surveillance Society

As real-time and batch analytics evolve using big data processing engines such as Hadoop, corporations will be able to track our activities, habits, and locations...

From ACM News

Academics to 'embrace Wikipedia'

Students and academics at a world-leading London university want to build bridges between the Wikipedia website and formal research.

From ACM News

Making a Microscope Without a Lens

Recent work from the University of Twente doesn't use a lens yet achieves a resolution that is about twice what you would expect under optimum conditions. How...

2010: The Year Apple Also Became a Chip Company
From ACM News

2010: The Year Apple Also Became a Chip Company

While changes in the ancient market-share rivalry between chipmakers Intel and Advanced Micro Devices were unremarkable in 2010, the emergence of Apple as a force...

The First Plastic Computer Processor
From ACM News

The First Plastic Computer Processor

Silicon may underpin the computers that surround us, but the rigid inflexibility of the semiconductor means it cannot reach everywhere. The first computer processor...

From ACM TechNews

Cloud@Home: Goals, Challenges, and Benefits of a Volunteer Cloud

University of Messina professors Salvatore Distefano and Antonio Puliafito suggest using cloud-based volunteer computing, known as Cloud@Home, to solve many ofView...

The Clock Is Ticking on Encryption
From ACM TechNews

The Clock Is Ticking on Encryption

Cracking encrypted messages can take a very long time using existing technology. However, researchers warn that quantum computers eventually could make cracking...

From ACM TechNews

Is Government Ready for the Semantic Web?

Semantic technology is capable of supplying answers to questions that might be of interest to U.S. government agencies that have long struggled with problems identifying...

From ACM News

Browser Wars: Mozilla's Firefox Challenges Microsoft's IE, Google's Chrome

The Internet browser wars are back. Mozilla released its long-awaited Firefox 4 browser Tuesday, a critical moment for the upstart that first challenged mighty...

Computer Chips Wired with Nerve Cells
From ACM News

Computer Chips Wired with Nerve Cells

Nerve cell tendrils readily thread their way through tiny semiconductor tubes, researchers find, forming a crisscrossed network like vines twining towards the...

Surveillance Robots Know When to Hide
From ACM News

Surveillance Robots Know When to Hide

The spy approaches the target building under cover of darkness, taking a zigzag path to avoid well-lit areas and sentries. He selects a handy vantage point next...

How Did a British Polytechnic Graduate Become the Design Genius Behind
From ACM News

How Did a British Polytechnic Graduate Become the Design Genius Behind

Few Westerners have ever seen the forging of a Japanese samurai sword. It's considered a sacred practice in Japan; one of the few traditional arts that has yet...

Attack Code for SCADA Vulnerabilities Released Online
From ACM News

Attack Code for SCADA Vulnerabilities Released Online

The security of critical infrastructure is in the spotlight again this week after a researcher released attack code that can exploit several vulnerabilities found...

From ACM News

Does Rsa Securid Have a ­.s. Gov't-Authorized Back Door?

Does the RSA SecurID two-token authentication system include a back door that was built in at the request of the U.S. government in exchange for letting RSA export...

Tiny 3-D-Printed Insect Robots Take Flight
From ACM News

Tiny 3-D-Printed Insect Robots Take Flight

A team of roboticists at Cornell University have created tiny flying robotic insects using 3-D printing. The flapping wings of the hovering robotic insects (known...

Study Analyzes Role of Mobile Software in the Future Internet
From ACM TechNews

Study Analyzes Role of Mobile Software in the Future Internet

Donghua University researchers have performed a macrodynamics analysis of mobile agents' migration behaviors that could provide the basis for a ubiquitous Internet...

From ACM TechNews

A New System Has Been Developed For an Id in a Mobile Phone

Carlos III University of Madrid researchers are developing a way to integrate electronic identification data into an SIM mobile phone card to use the device as...
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