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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Planetary Exploration 2013
From ACM News

Planetary Exploration 2013

On Monday March 7th, NASA and NSF received the results of the Planetary Science Decadal Survey, which recommended planetary exploration priorities to NASA and...

A Declaration of Cyber-War
From ACM News

A Declaration of Cyber-War

All over Europe, smartphones rang in the middle of the night. Rolling over in bed, blinking open their eyes, civilians reached for the little devices and, in...

From ACM TechNews

The Psychiatrist in the Machine

McMaster University professor Gary Hasey is trying to devise more effective patient treatment strategies by interpreting physiological signals collected from patients'...

Crickets Inspire Stealthy Robots to Fire Rings of Air
From ACM TechNews

Crickets Inspire Stealthy Robots to Fire Rings of Air

Monash University's Andy Russell used the African cave cricket, Phaeophilacris spectrum, as inspiration for creating stealth communication between robots.

From ACM TechNews

Kaspar the Friendly Robot Helps Autistic Kids

University of Hertfordshire scientists are working with a preschool for autistic children to study the impact of robots on the development of students' social skills...

Less Code Is Better Code, Says DARPA
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Less Code Is Better Code, Says DARPA

With Cyber Fast Track, DARPA plans to hire individuals and small teams via short, fixed-price contracts to create lean code cybersecurity programs.

From ACM News


In early 2009, statisticians inside the Googleplex here embarked on a plan code-named Project Oxygen. Their mission was to devise something far more important...

AI Lie Detection Could Help Crack Terror Cells
From ACM News

AI Lie Detection Could Help Crack Terror Cells

In A bar in Maastricht University in the Netherlands, 12 students are each given an envelope marked "Top Secret." Inside are plans for a terror attack somewhere...

From ACM News

U.S. Funding Tech Firms that Help Mideast Dissidents Evade Government Censors

The Obama administration may not be lending arms to dissidents in the Middle East, but it is offering aid in another critical way: helping them surf the Web anonymously...

Al Franken: 'they're Coming After the Internet'
From ACM Opinion

Al Franken: 'they're Coming After the Internet'

Sen. Al Franken claimed Monday that big corporations are "hoping to destroy" the Internet and issued a call to arms to several hundred tech-savvy South by Southwest...

A Search Engine for the Human Body
From ACM TechNews

A Search Engine for the Human Body

Microsoft researcher Antonio Criminisi has led the development of a search tool that indexes medical images of the human body and automatically finds organs and...

From ACM TechNews

New Protocols Show ­p to 76 Percent Speed Jolt For Iphones, Ipads

The novel use of accelerometers, GPS locators, and gyroscopes that are standard features of smartphones and tablets can speed up wireless networks by up to 76 percent...

A Small Quantum Leap
From ACM TechNews

A Small Quantum Leap

Northwestern University researchers say they have developed a switching device that could help lead to the creation of a quantum network.

Japan's Internet Largely Intact After Earthquake, Tsunami
From ACM TechNews

Japan's Internet Largely Intact After Earthquake, Tsunami

Japan's Internet infrastructure demonstrated surprising resilience in the face of the recent earthquake and tsunami, as most Web sites remain in operation and the...

From ACM News

Search Undergoing Biggest Disruption Since the Dawn of Google

Facing criticism over the quality of search results, Google recently tweaked its famously secretive algorithm to weed out spam sites and so-called "content farms...

Planet Mercury Visible Before Nasa Craft Orbits It
From ACM News

Planet Mercury Visible Before Nasa Craft Orbits It

Earth is about to get better acquainted with its oddball planetary cousin, Mercury, a rocky wonderland of extremes.

From ACM News

Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

Bryan Taylor, 36, could not shake the feeling that something funny was going on. Three of his most frequent opponents on an online poker site were acting oddly...

Taking Control of Cars From Afar
From ACM News

Taking Control of Cars From Afar

Researchers who have spent the last two years studying the security of car computer systems have revealed that they can take control of vehicles wirelessly.

Data Mining: How Companies Now Know Everything About You
From ACM News

Data Mining: How Companies Now Know Everything About You

Three hours after I gave my name and e-mail address to Michael Fertik, the CEO of, he called me back and read my Social Security number to me....

Ex-Googlers Penetrating Silicon Valley Startup Hierarchy
From ACM News

Ex-Googlers Penetrating Silicon Valley Startup Hierarchy

It may be too soon to equate the "Xooglers," as members of the ever-expanding network of ex-Google employees call themselves, with the "PayPal Mafia"—the founders...
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