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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Spotting Virtual Intruders
From ACM News

Spotting Virtual Intruders

Handing sensitive data over to a cloud computing provider makes many companies skittish. But new software, called HomeAlone, could help them come to terms with...

Invisible Wi-Fi Signals Caught on Camera
From ACM News

Invisible Wi-Fi Signals Caught on Camera

Computer icons can give you an idea of your Wi-Fi signal strength. But now Timo Arnall and a team of designers from the Oslo School of Architecture & Design have...

From ACM News

Can You Judge a Person by an Email Address?

Gmail users are thinner, younger; AOL users older, overweight, study says.

From ACM News

Researchers Show How a Car's Electronics Can Be Taken Over Remotely

With a modest amount of expertise, computer hackers could gain remote access to someone's car—just as they do to people's personal computers—and take over the...

Extremely Fast Mram Data Storage Within Reach
From ACM TechNews

Extremely Fast Mram Data Storage Within Reach

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt researchers have developed a type of magnetic random access memory (MRAM) equipped with a special chip connection that results...

From ACM TechNews

Cyberattack-Alert System Could Be Model For U.s.

Washington is in the process of deploying a statewide system that will provide early warnings about cybersecurity threats to participating organizations and the...

Researchers 'kinect' Data to Make Faster Diagnoses
From ACM TechNews

Researchers 'kinect' Data to Make Faster Diagnoses

University of Minnesota researchers are using an Xbox Kinect as a part of a medical tool that produces diagnoses of mental disorders in small children, including...

From ACM TechNews

Taiwan Researchers Turn to Silk for Flexible E-Devices

Silk membranes can be used for flexible e-book readers, LED displays, and RFID tools, according to researchers at the National Tsing Hua University. A team has...

Mark Zuckerberg's 650 Million Friends (and Counting)
From ACM News

Mark Zuckerberg's 650 Million Friends (and Counting)

Back in June 2009, the globe's potpourri of social-networking sites was dazzlingly diverse: Google's Orkut dominated India and Brazil; Central and South America...

Physicists Build Single-Atom Memory For Quantum Information
From ACM News

Physicists Build Single-Atom Memory For Quantum Information

A single atom of rubidium sits at the heart of an exotic new quantum memory device.

GPS Chaos: How a $30 Box Can Jam Your Life
From ACM News

GPS Chaos: How a $30 Box Can Jam Your Life

Signals from GPS satellites now help you to call your mother, power your home, and even land your plane – but a cheap plastic box can jam it all.

New Net Rules Set to Make Cookies Crumble
From ACM News

New Net Rules Set to Make Cookies Crumble

The way Websites track visitors and tailor ads to their behavior is about to undergo a big shake-up. From 25 May, European laws dictate that "explicit consent"...

Tv's Next Wave: Tuning In to You
From ACM News

Tv's Next Wave: Tuning In to You

The television is channeling you. Data-gathering firms and technology companies are aggressively matching people's TV-viewing behavior with other personal data—in...

From ACM News

Software Progress Beats Moore

One of the old jokes in computing is that what the hardware giveth, the software taketh away.

From ACM News

Freaks, Geeks, and Gdp

Why hasn't the Internet helped the American economy grow as much as economists thought it would?

From ACM News

Silicon Valley's Innovators Take Aim at Your Wallet

Hang on to your wallets and purses. In the constant search for the next thing to disrupt, Silicon Valley's entrepreneurs and venture capitalists believe that...

Professor Gets Computing's 'Nobel'
From ACM News

Professor Gets Computing's 'Nobel'

Harvard University professor Leslie G. Valiant, an artificial intelligence pioneer, has been awarded ACM's 2010 A.M. Turing Award. Valiant's research was the...

Armies of Expensive Lawyers, Replaced by Cheaper Software
From ACM News

Armies of Expensive Lawyers, Replaced by Cheaper Software

When five television studios became entangled in a Justice Department antitrust lawsuit against CBS, the cost was immense. As part of the obscure task of "discovery"—providing...

From ACM News

Go for It on Fourth Down? Ask Coach Watson

If humans can't beat a computer at "Jeopardy!" why should we trust them to make the right call on fourth down in the Super Bowl? That was the fundamental question...

Data as Art: 10 Striking Science Maps
From ACM News

Data as Art: 10 Striking Science Maps

The computer age triggered a seemingly endless stream of scientific data, but such incoming mountains of information come at a cost. The more data you amass,...
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