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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

2010 Visualization Challenge
From ACM News

2010 Visualization Challenge

An "ocean" composed of a single layer of molecules; an intricate depiction of an HIV particle as a study in orange and gray; a phantasmagoria of fungi; a video...

World Mobile Data Traffic to Explode by Factor of 26 by 2015
From ACM News

World Mobile Data Traffic to Explode by Factor of 26 by 2015

Anyone who thinks that the Internet revolution is in anything but its early phase had better take a look at Cisco's latest Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast.

Turning Augmented Reality Into an Open Standard
From ACM News

Turning Augmented Reality Into an Open Standard

A research team at Georgia Tech hopes to make augmented reality on smart phones more useful by developing an open standard for it.

From ACM Opinion

Google Schools Its Algorithm

To humans, computer intelligence is a puzzle, as if the machines have split personalities. They can be so remarkably smart at times, yet so bafflingly dumb at...

From ACM News

The 'Panda' That Hates Farms: A Q&A With Google

Google's new update to its search engine addressed the growing complaint that low-quality content sites (derisively referred to as content farms) were ranked higher...

Service Robots: Rise of the Machines (again)
From ACM News

Service Robots: Rise of the Machines (again)

In 1961, just after America's Sputnik moment, the world's first industrial robot debuted at a General Motors assembly plant in Trenton, N.J.

From ACM News

Is the Navy Trying to Start the Robot Apocalypse?

Whenever the military rolls out a new robot program, folks like to joke about SkyNet or the Rise of the Machines. But this time, the military really is starting...

A Tangled Web of Shortened Links
From ACM TechNews

A Tangled Web of Shortened Links

Link-shortening services may be slowing down parts of the Internet, according to the Foundation for Research and Technology and Microsoft Research. And it might...

The Quantum Singularity
From ACM TechNews

The Quantum Singularity

MIT professor Scott Aaronson and grad student Alex Arkhipov will present a paper at ACM's 43rd Symposium on Theory of Computing that describes an experiment, which...

From ACM TechNews

Improved Method Developed to Locate Ships in Storms

University of Alcala de Henaresresearchers have developed a system for detecting ships in stormy seas that analyzes radar images by applying an algorithm based...

From ACM News

20 Hot It Security Issues

From malware on Google's Android phones to the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency trying to understand how stories or narratives impact security and...

Will Goal-Line Technology Bring Justice to Soccer?
From ACM News

Will Goal-Line Technology Bring Justice to Soccer?

A sporting miscarriage of justice that occurred last summer triggered a series of experiments that could this weekend see soccer (that's football to the rest...

10 Questions For David Ferrucci
From ACM News

10 Questions For David Ferrucci

Why aren't you letting Watson speak for himself today? Watson is trained to answer questions for Jeopardy! It's not an interactive dialogue system, so it can't...

Web's Hot New Commodity: Privacy
From ACM News

Web's Hot New Commodity: Privacy

As the surreptitious tracking of Internet users becomes more aggressive and widespread, tiny start-ups and technology giants alike are pushing a new product:...

Increasing Processor Efficiency By 'shutting Off the Lights'
From ACM TechNews

Increasing Processor Efficiency By 'shutting Off the Lights'

Harvard University's Wonyoung Kim has developed an on-chip, multicore voltage regulator (MCVR) that could reduce semiconductor power requirements and lead to more...

Google Researchers Reveal Lessons Learned in Large-Scale Cloud Storage
From ACM TechNews

Google Researchers Reveal Lessons Learned in Large-Scale Cloud Storage

There is a lot of information on how storage systems fail, but new research about Google's main storage infrastructure provides more answers about the overall availability...

The New Police Siren: You
From ACM News

The New Police Siren: You

Joe Bader tried setting the two tones of his invention four notes apart on the musical scale, but the result sounded like music, not a siren. Same thing when...

Psych-Out Sexism
From ACM Opinion

Psych-Out Sexism

The innocent, unconscious bias that discourages girls from math and science.

China's Homemade Supercomputer May Be the Most Efficient Ever
From ACM TechNews

China's Homemade Supercomputer May Be the Most Efficient Ever

China plans to launch a new homegrown supercomputer, the Dawning 6000, this summer, and it "could rival even Blue Gene/Q systems for performance per watt supremacy...

Thinking Your Way Through Traffic in a Brain-Control Car
From ACM News

Thinking Your Way Through Traffic in a Brain-Control Car

John Prine wasn’t far off when he sang in "Living In the Future" that "we're all driving rocket ships and talking with our minds." We're still waiting for our...
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