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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Drive Toward Hydrogen Vehicles Just Got Shorter
From ACM News

The Drive Toward Hydrogen Vehicles Just Got Shorter

Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of Alabama have revealed a new single-stage method for recharging the hydrogen storage compound...

From ACM News

Google Funds Georgia Tech Internet Transparency Research

A team of Georgia Tech researchers will use a $1 million Google Research Focused Award to conduct research on Internet transparency.

From ACM News

E-Textbooks Get a Lift From Publishers

Over the years, publishers have tried a variety of strategies to sell digital textbooks but with limited success. Two major publishers, Pearson and McGraw-Hill,...

Drexel Students Develop Music-Playing Robot
From ACM TechNews

Drexel Students Develop Music-Playing Robot

Drexel University researchers have developed RoboNova, a music-playing robot with the long-term goal of getting it to become an interactive participant in a live...

From ACM TechNews

New Software Calculates Heating Costs in Greenhouse Operations

Jonathan Frantz, a U.S. Department of Agriculture researcher, and colleagues have developed Virtual Grower, software for calculating heating costs in greenhouse...

Terahertz Superchips Can Do It All
From ACM TechNews

Terahertz Superchips Can Do It All

Cornell University researchers have developed terahertz radiation microchips that could be used in a wide range of medical and scientific applications, including...

At&t, T-Mobile Merger Blasted
From ACM News

At&t, T-Mobile Merger Blasted

A day after AT&T announced it would buy T-Mobile USA to create the biggest wireless carrier in the country, consumer advocates and some members of Congress blasted...

Dueling Algorithms
From ACM News

Dueling Algorithms

There's an old joke about two hikers on a trail, one wearing hiking boots and the other running shoes. "Why the running shoes?" the first hiker asks. "In case...

From ACM News

Https Is More Secure, So Why Isn't the Web Using It?

You wouldn't write your username and passwords on a postcard and mail it for the world to see, so why are you doing it online? Every time you log in to Twitter...

Browser Communication Boost Back on Track
From ACM News

Browser Communication Boost Back on Track

After a security problem derailed it last year, a technology to open a high-speed browser communications link is getting back on track again.

When CS Students Need Help Asap, They Can Now Turn to Piazzza
From ACM News

When CS Students Need Help Asap, They Can Now Turn to Piazzza

Piazzza is a next-generation, wiki-style Q&A platform that has been adopted by more than half of the undergraduate students at Stanford University and is growing...

Quantum Computing Device Hints at Powerful Future
From ACM News

Quantum Computing Device Hints at Powerful Future

One of the most complex efforts toward a quantum computer has been shown off at the American Physical Society meeting in Dallas in the U.S. It uses the strange...

How Cruise Missiles Would Beat Gps Jammers in Libya
From ACM News

How Cruise Missiles Would Beat Gps Jammers in Libya

Now that jammers are cheap and potentially ubiquitous, how do Tomahawk missiles stay on course?

From ACM News


After more than than a week of gathering anecdotal reports about shortages here and there, the research firm IHS iSuppli has concluded that 25 percent of the...

From ACM TechNews

In Japan, Rescue Robots Are Poised to Go From Lab to Quake Scene

Japanese researchers working at Texas A&M University's Center for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue have developed robots that will soon be put into use to help...

Itu Worries Over Declining Female Presence in Ict
From ACM TechNews

Itu Worries Over Declining Female Presence in Ict

The International Telecommunication Union commemorated the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day by addressing the declining presence of women in the information...

Software to Predict 'march Madness' Basketball Winner
From ACM TechNews

Software to Predict 'march Madness' Basketball Winner

The goal of the March Madness Predictive Analysis Challenge, now in its second year, is to build software that can select winning basketball teams with greater...

Gesture Control: Touching the Future of Computing
From ACM TechNews

Gesture Control: Touching the Future of Computing

University of Essex bionics researcher James Cannan is building a bracelet that records every finger stroke, capturing the motion and position of each digit and...

Why At&t Bought T-Mobile
From ACM News

Why At&t Bought T-Mobile

AT&T, criticized and even despised for its inability to keep up with growing mobile data usage, thinks it has found the solution to its network woes. And all...

British Computer Scientists Reboot
From Communications of the ACM

British Computer Scientists Reboot

After a year of turmoil, computer scientists at King's College London have retained their jobs, but substantial challenges lie ahead.
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