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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Share of Black S&e Degrees From Hbcus Declines in 2008
From ACM TechNews

Share of Black S&e Degrees From Hbcus Declines in 2008

Recent U.S. National Science Foundation studies have shown that the percentage of minorities earning bachelor's degrees in science and engineering from historically...

Grid Pioneer Ian Foster Discusses the Future of Science in the Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Grid Pioneer Ian Foster Discusses the Future of Science in the Cloud

University of Chicago professor Ian Foster has a vision to facilitate a transformational change in scientific research, to the point where research capabilities...

Retooling Algorithms
From ACM TechNews

Retooling Algorithms

MIT professor Charles Leiserson says the best method for rewriting algorithms to run on parallel processors is to use a divide-and-conquer technique, allowing the...

Cra Launches Effort to ­nderstand Opinions About Recent Postdoc Surge
From ACM TechNews

Cra Launches Effort to ­nderstand Opinions About Recent Postdoc Surge

The Computing Research Association (CRA) has launched a program to engage the computing research community in the state of postdoctoral fellows.

From ACM News

The Winners and Losers from Google's Search Change

Google's major revamp of its search rankings last week created a new set of winners and losers, but some critics of the company say the changes are not being...

Retooling Algorithms
From ACM News

Retooling Algorithms

Charles Leiserson and his team are experts at designing parallel algorithms—including one for a chess-playing program that outperformed IBM’s Deep Blue.

Increasing Processor Efficiency By Matching Power with Demand
From ACM News

Increasing Processor Efficiency By Matching Power with Demand

For decades, chipmakers strove to develop the fastest and most powerful chips possible and damn the amount of electricity needed to power them, but these days...

Remapping Computer Circuitry to Avert Impending Bottlenecks
From ACM News

Remapping Computer Circuitry to Avert Impending Bottlenecks

Hewlett-Packard researchers have proposed a fundamental rethinking of the modern computer for the coming era of nanoelectronics—a marriage of memory and computing...

From ACM TechNews

Computer 'Scrapple' Wins Early Career Award

University of California, Davis professor Todd Green is researching ways to improve the use of data warehouses, such as  using database query results to generate...

Hyperlocal Forecasting
From ACM TechNews

Hyperlocal Forecasting

Masao Kanamitsu is using the Texas Advanced Computing Center's Ranger supercomputer to conduct downscaling experiments, which involves taking the output from the...

From ACM News

The Next Operating System

Operating systems for multicore chips will need more information about their own performance—and more resources for addressing whatever problems arise.

From ACM News

Wiring in a Wireless Age

Is Intel's Thunderbolt cable a brilliant innovation or a worthless grasp at the past?

How We Know
From ACM News

How We Know

James Gleick's first chapter has the title "Drums That Talk." It explains the concept of information by looking at a simple example.

Moonlighting Within Microsoft, in Pursuit of New Apps
From ACM News

Moonlighting Within Microsoft, in Pursuit of New Apps

If you have a smartphone, you probably have apps on it to check the news, play games, help with shopping or further a hobby like travel or bird-watching. But...

Follow the Money: Tiny Transistors Track Cash
From ACM News

Follow the Money: Tiny Transistors Track Cash

Banks have long considered placing silicon transistors on currency for security purposes, but the technology was too chunky and intensive for paper bills. Now...

From ACM News

Russia Requested ­nloading of Bushehr Reactor Fuel

Tehran’s ambassador to Moscow has said the decision to unload fuel from the reactor of the Bushehr nuclear power plant is based on a request by Russia and has...

From ACM News


Perhaps you thought the four-legged BigDog robot wasn’t eerily lifelike enough. That'll change soon. BigDog's makers are working on a new quadruped that moves...

Argon, the Augmented Reality Web Browser, Available Now on Iphone
From ACM TechNews

Argon, the Augmented Reality Web Browser, Available Now on Iphone

Georgia Tech researchers working on the KHARMA project are developing Argon, a mobile Web browser that features augmented reality technology designed to bring the...

Microsoft's Kinect: The New Mouse?
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft's Kinect: The New Mouse?

Could the Kinect technology, which recognizes gestures and voice commands, be the beginning of a new way of communicating with computers?

Goal-Line Technologists Fail Fifa Test
From ACM News

Goal-Line Technologists Fail Fifa Test

Fifa's plans to introduce goal-line technology have suffered a setback after every one of the 10 companies which took part in trials last week failed to meet...
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