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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Thought Police? DARPA Wants to Know How Stories Influence Human Mind, Actions

Since it sounds like a not-so-basic- science fiction script, you won't be surprised that the scientific masterminds at the Defense Advanced Research Projects...

From ACM TechNews

Computing Science Rewriting the Program to Get Girls in the Game

University of Alberta researchers have found that high school girls become more interested in computer science if video game creation is incorporated into the lesson...

From ACM TechNews

Can 'Encrypted Blobs' Help With Secure Cloud Computing?

IBM researchers say cloud computing security can be improved by using fully homomorphic encryption to send data as encrypted blobs, which can be understood without...

Hp's Open Innovation Strategy: Leveraging Academic Labs
From ACM TechNews

Hp's Open Innovation Strategy: Leveraging Academic Labs

Hewlett-Packard Labs launched the Innovation Research Program as part of its effort to embrace ideas and technologies that come from other sources, and to enable...

Heading Into the Bonus Round
From ACM News

Heading Into the Bonus Round

A bonus round is something one usually associates with the likes of a TV game show, not a pioneering deep space mission. "We are definitely in the bonus round...

From ACM News

California High Court: Retailers Can't Request Cardholders' Zip Code

California's high court ruled Thursday that retailers don't have the right to ask customers for their ZIP code while completing credit card transactions, saying...

From ACM News


In the past three years, America’s military and intelligence agencies have spent more than $125 million on computer models that are supposed to forecast political...

Extracting Business Ideas From It Logs
From ACM News

Extracting Business Ideas From It Logs

Many companies' IT infrastructure is automatically gathering a comprehensive picture of their whole business, in the form of everything from Web server and phone...

Researchers Inventory a World of Information
From ACM News

Researchers Inventory a World of Information

Data is the common currency that unites all fields of science.

Innovation Far Removed From the Lab
From ACM News

Innovation Far Removed From the Lab

Daniel Reetz loves trash bins. A big one in Fargo, N.D., was where he found most of the materials he used to build a scanner that was fast enough to scan a 400...

From ACM TechNews

Major Step Taken Towards an Open and Shared Digital Brain Atlasing Framework

International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility researchers have developed a standard toolset that allows different types of neuroscience data to be compared...

Driving Blind at Daytona
From ACM TechNews

Driving Blind at Daytona

Virginia Tech researchers are competing in the National Federation of the Blind's Blind Driver challenge, aimed at developing a car that blind people can drive...

Making Bad Search Results History
From ACM TechNews

Making Bad Search Results History

Microsoft researchers are developing personalized search engines that can help users find Web sites by analyzing their past search queries.

From ACM News

For Watson Technology, What Happens After 'jeopardy!'?

Wouldn't it be nice to have your very own supercomputer in your pocket?

Cloud Services Could Bolster National Cyber Security
From ACM TechNews

Cloud Services Could Bolster National Cyber Security

U.S. cybersecurity could be significantly fortified by a move to cloud computing, which would focus cybersecurity on a small number of service providers rather...

Roaches Inspire Robotics
From ACM TechNews

Roaches Inspire Robotics

Tel Aviv University researchers are studying the way cockroaches move to develop more advanced robotic technology. Although robots have been based on cockroaches...

From ACM TechNews

Female Scientists Face New Career Challenges

A new Cornell University report examines female representation in the sciences and the factors that affect the inequalities in the field between men and women. ...

Behind-the-Scenes with Ibm's 'jeopardy!' Computer, Watson
From ACM News

Behind-the-Scenes with Ibm's 'jeopardy!' Computer, Watson

His name is Watson. He's bad with puns. Great at math. And, next week, he will compete on the game show "Jeopardy!" against real, live, breathing, thinking humans...

­.s. Has Secret Tools to Force Internet on Dictators
From ACM News

­.s. Has Secret Tools to Force Internet on Dictators

When Hosni Mubarak shut down Egypt’s internet and cellphone communications, it seemed that all U.S. officials could do was ask him politely to change his mind...

From ACM TechNews

Mozilla Working on Making Its Applications 'Attack-Aware'

Mozilla is developing a system that will notify users of its Web applications when those applications are being attacked. The system will use a blacklist to identify...
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