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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Coming Next: A Supercomputer Saves Your Life
From ACM TechNews

Coming Next: A Supercomputer Saves Your Life

IBM's Watson supercomputer uses parallel computing to connect highly specialized pieces of software to work simultaneously to answer questions posed by the Jeopardy...

From ACM TechNews

Smart Servers Spot and Block Botnet Attacks

New software will enable a computer server to determine when it is under a distributed denial of service attack and block traffic from culpable Internet protocol...

Mind vs. Machine
From ACM News

Mind vs. Machine

In the race to build computers that can think like humans, the proving ground is the Turing Test—an annual battle between the world’s most advanced artificial...

From ACM News

Rediscovering Wwii's Female 'computers'

In all the interviews and conversations, it hadn't come up. To the sisters, it was just a job they'd held a long time ago, when they were teens with a talent...

Susan Wojcicki: The Most Important Googler You've Never Heard Of
From ACM Opinion

Susan Wojcicki: The Most Important Googler You've Never Heard Of

Yes, Google started in Susan Wojcicki's rented garage. But in her mind, that might be the single least important fact about her long and deep relationship with...

Billboards Join Wired Age
From ACM News

Billboards Join Wired Age

Billboards and posters are one of world's oldest forms of advertising. Now, some marketers and start-ups say wireless technology could revamp outdoor advertising...

From ACM TechNews

Next-Generation Supercomputers

Supercomputing performance upgrades are unlikely to be as spectacular in the next decade as they were in the last two, writes University of Notre Dame professor...

Informatics Students Discover, Alert Facebook to Threat Allowing Access to Private Data, Bogus Messaging
From ACM TechNews

Informatics Students Discover, Alert Facebook to Threat Allowing Access to Private Data, Bogus Messaging

Facebook has repaired a security vulnerability discovered by Indiana University doctoral students Rui Wang and Zhou Li, which allowed malicious Web sites to find...

From ACM TechNews

DARPA Seeks Security Expertise From a Nontraditional Source: the Hacker Community

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently launched the Cyber Fast Track program, which will reward security research done quickly and...

Better Software Design for Planes, Trains and Cars
From ACM TechNews

Better Software Design for Planes, Trains and Cars

University of Southampton researchers are developing RODIN, an open source software toolkit aimed at helping the embedded software industry to model and design...

Nypd Planning to Use Facial-Recognition Technology to Match Mug Shots to Suspect Videos
From ACM News

Nypd Planning to Use Facial-Recognition Technology to Match Mug Shots to Suspect Videos

The NYPD is about to start using digital technology to match video images of people at crime scenes to mug shots on file, police sources said.

From ACM Opinion

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

In the category "What Do You Know?," for $1 million: This four-year-old upstart the size of a small R.V. has digested 200 million pages of data about everything...

Google Executive Emerges as Key Figure in Revolt
From ACM News

Google Executive Emerges as Key Figure in Revolt

More than a week after his mysterious disappearance in Egypt, Google executive and political activist Wael Ghonim will be released from government detention on...

Proposal for Cyber War Rules of Engagement
From ACM News

Proposal for Cyber War Rules of Engagement

The world needs cyber war "Rules of Engagement" to cope with potentially devastating cyber weapons, Russian and US experts will tell world leaders at a security...

From ACM TechNews

New Malware Records Data From Cell Phones

Indiana University researchers have developed Soundminer, a smartphone Trojan Horse virus that can record and steal conversations, keypad sounds, credit card numbers...

From ACM TechNews

Eu Warns It Lags Behind in Global Innovation Race

The European Union's scientific and industrial innovation efforts lag far behind the United States and Japan, prompting the EU Commission to call for measures to...

Simulating Worst-Case Scenarios
From ACM TechNews

Simulating Worst-Case Scenarios

Johns Hopkins University recently launched the Center for Advanced Modeling (CAM) in the Social, Behavioral and Health Sciences, which will focus on advanced computer...

From ACM TechNews

A Matter of Timing: New Strategies For Debugging Electronics

University of Wisconsin-Madison professor Azadeh Davoodi is studying solutions for timing errors, which are electronic bugs that can occur after a chip is fabricated...

No Easy Fixes as Internet Runs Out of Addresses
From ACM News

No Easy Fixes as Internet Runs Out of Addresses

Like a prairie with no more vacant land to homestead or a hip area code with no more cellphone numbers, the pool of available numeric internet addresses has been...

From ACM News

Fifa to Test 10 Goal-Line Technology Systems

The FIFA rule-making panel will study the results from 10 different goal-line technology systems being tested to help referees make decisions.
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