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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Hackers Harness Microsoft's Kinect For Business and Pleasure
From ACM News

Hackers Harness Microsoft's Kinect For Business and Pleasure

Gamers and hackers could control the office as well as games with Microsoft's Kinect.

From ACM TechNews

Pioneering Research Aims to Make the Internet Faster

Researchers at the universities of Southampton and Essex are working on the Photonics HyperHighway project, which aims to develop new technologies that can make...

CS Pioneer Knuth Releases Long-Awaited Textbook
From ACM TechNews

CS Pioneer Knuth Releases Long-Awaited Textbook

Computer science pioneer Donald Knuth has released the "The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A, The Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1," the first part of volume...

From ACM News

NIST Issues Final Version of Full Virtualization Security Guidelines

NIST has issued the final version of its recommendations for securely configuring and using full computing virtualization technologies.

From ACM TechNews

­md Advance Lights Possible Path to Creating Next-Gen Computer Chips

University of Maryland researchers recently made tiny integrated circuits using visible light, a major breakthrough that could allow computer manufacturers to make...

DHS to Invest $40 Million on Cybersecurity Research
From ACM TechNews

DHS to Invest $40 Million on Cybersecurity Research

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security will invest $40 million on cybersecurity research areas in fiscal 2011 in support of the Comprehensive National Cyber Initiative...

From ACM News

The Technology Behind Super Bowl Xlv and Cowboys Stadium

Super Bowl attendees will experience impressive technology and some new mobile apps.

From ACM News

No More Ipv4 Addresses

Asian registry snares last two address blocks, sparks automatic depletion of the free pool.

Cloud Computing at Nist: Two New Draft Documents and a Wiki
From ACM News

Cloud Computing at Nist: Two New Draft Documents and a Wiki

NIST has issued two new draft documents on cloud computing for public comment and set up a new NIST Cloud Computing Collaboration site to enable two-way communication...

Google Offers Virtual Gallery Tours
From ACM News

Google Offers Virtual Gallery Tours

Internet giant Google unveiled a new Website that allows virtual tours of some of the world's most famous art galleries.

From ACM TechNews

I, Algorithm: A New Dawn For Artificial Intelligence

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is undergoing a revival, spurred by probabilistic programming that merges classic AI's logical principles with the power...

The Science of Bike-Sharing
From ACM TechNews

The Science of Bike-Sharing

Tel Aviv University researchers are developing a mathematical model to help new urban bike-sharing systems operate more efficiently. Bike-sharing systems have...

From ACM TechNews

National Competition Puts High Schoolers to the Cyber Warrior Test

Cyber Foundations is a cybersecurity competition for high school students launched by the U.S. Cyber Challenge and the SANS Institute. The contest will help identify...

Researchers Provide Insight Into the Future of How We Understand Social Networking
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Provide Insight Into the Future of How We Understand Social Networking

University of Minnesota researchers have found that analyzing social networks can provide insight on aspects of social interactions, including the emergence or...

From ACM TechNews

White House Launches Startup America

The Obama administration recently launched the Startup America initiative, which will involve government agencies and private-sector programs to train, mentor,...

From ACM News

Was Egypt Oversold as Top Offshoring Spot?

Before Egypt turned off the Internet, the country had received increasingly high marks from leading analysis firms as a promising offshore outsourcing destination...

Report: Efforts to Secure Nation
From ACM News

Report: Efforts to Secure Nation

The official government cybersecurity standards for the electric power grid fall far short of even the most basic security standards observed by noncritical industries...

From ACM News

Google, Twitter Help Give Voice to Egyptians

Google has launched the latest salvo in an effort to overcome internet blackouts in Egypt during anti-government protests there.

From ACM News

Wary of Egypt ­nrest, China Censors Web

In another era, China’s leaders might have been content to let discussion of the protests in Egypt float around among private citizens, then fizzle out.

From ACM TechNews

Intel Developing Security 'game-Changer'

Intel researchers are developing computer security technology that stop all zero-day attacks. "We're going to see a quantum jump in the ability of future devices...
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