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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

EMET Prize and Other Awards
From Communications of the ACM

EMET Prize and Other Awards

Edward Felten, David Harel, Sarit Kraus and others are honored for their contributions to computer science, technology, and electronic freedom and innovation.

India's Elephantine Effort
From Communications of the ACM

India's Elephantine Effort

An ambitious biometric ID project in the world's second most populous nation aims to relieve poverty, but faces many hurdles.

The Touchy Subject of Haptics
From Communications of the ACM

The Touchy Subject of Haptics

After more than 20 years of research and development, are haptic interfaces finally getting ready to enter the computing mainstream?

Nonlinear Systems Made Easy
From Communications of the ACM

Nonlinear Systems Made Easy

Pablo Parrilo has discovered a new approach to convex optimization that creates order out of chaos in complex nonlinear systems.

Ipads to Help Autistic Children Communicate
From ACM News

Ipads to Help Autistic Children Communicate

Nova Southeastern University's Mailman Segal Institute launched a new initiative, "18 iPads in 18 Days," to help facilitate the learning process for children with...

Video Games Boost Brain Power, Multitasking Skills
From ACM News

Video Games Boost Brain Power, Multitasking Skills

Parents, the next time you fret that your child is wasting too much time playing video games, consider new research suggesting that video gaming may have real...

Augmented Gps Could Transmit Emergency Information Around U.s.
From ACM TechNews

Augmented Gps Could Transmit Emergency Information Around U.s.

University of Rhode Island professor Peter Swaszek has modified a global positioning system so that it can be used to concurrently transmit emergency messages and...

Connecting Kinects For Group Surveillance
From ACM News

Connecting Kinects For Group Surveillance

A doctoral student at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne has patented a new algorithm that leverages multiple Microsoft Kinect interface devices to track...

The Brainy Learning Algorithms of Numenta
From ACM News

The Brainy Learning Algorithms of Numenta

How the inventor of the PalmPilot studied the workings of the human brain to help companies turn a deluge of data into business intelligence.

Cognitive Robotics Lab Tests Theories of Human Thought
From ACM News

Cognitive Robotics Lab Tests Theories of Human Thought

In a new Cognitive Robotics Lab at Rensselaer, students are exploring how human thought outwits brute force computing in the real world. The lab's 20 robots allow...

Web Giants Get Bigger, Location Takes Off
From ACM News

Web Giants Get Bigger, Location Takes Off

The easiest way to sum up the Web in 2010 is that it was a year of growth. The big got bigger and smaller companies came out of the woodwork with new plays on...

Your Apps Are Watching You
From ACM News

Your Apps Are Watching You

A WSJ Investigation finds that iPhone and Android apps are breaching the privacy of smartphone users.

The Top 11 Technologies of the Decade
From ACM News

The Top 11 Technologies of the Decade

The January 2011 issue of IEEE Spectrum reviews the most important innovations that came of age in the past 10 years, based on their influence, usefulness, and...

From ACM News

Word Lens: Augmented Reality App Translates Street Signs Instantly

Word Lens for the iPhone is one of the most amazing apps we have ever seen. Take a look at this video, but put down any hot liquids first.

Road to a Safer Future
From ACM TechNews

Road to a Safer Future

EUREKA is sponsoring a collaborative research effort called E! 4160 VICATS, which is developing a traffic surveillance system that needs minimal human intervention...

From ACM TechNews

For Software Developers, More Speed and Mobility

Northeastern University researchers have developed a program that enables software developers to save their work and relaunch the project instantly from another...

Stanford Professor Uses Social Media to Promote Bone Marrow Donations
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Professor Uses Social Media to Promote Bone Marrow Donations

Stanford professor Jennifer Aaker is leading One Hundred Thousand Cheeks, a campaign to encourage a sweeping search for bone marrow donors through social media. ...

From ACM TechNews

Jason: Science of Cyber Security Needs More Work

The JASON independent scientific advisory panel has produced a report on cyber security for the U.S. Department of Defense that says a fundamental understanding...

Monitoring America
From ACM News

Monitoring America

Nine years after the terrorist attacks of 2001, the United States is assembling a vast domestic intelligence apparatus to collect information about Americans,...

From ACM News

The Clock Is Ticking on Encryption

Today's secure cipher-text may be tomorrow's open book.
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