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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Sun's Gravity Could Be Tapped to Call E.t.
From ACM News

Sun's Gravity Could Be Tapped to Call E.t.

Since massive stars cause light to bend, focal points may be found.

From ACM News

Virtual Spheres Speed Up Skimming Through Mobile Video

With more than 35 hours of video uploaded to YouTube each minute, finding the right video without downloading it first is difficult. And video searching on mobile...

From ACM TechNews

It Needs Fundamental Shift to Continue Rapid Advances in Computing

The pace of advances in information technology could slow unless the United States aggressively commits to fundamental research and development in parallel computing...

Best Colleges For Women and Minorities in STEM
From ACM TechNews

Best Colleges For Women and Minorities in STEM

Westminster College ranked first for graduating women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, according to a Forbes study. The best school...

From ACM TechNews

President's Advisory Group Finds Most Federal IT Funds Being Misused

U.S. federal agencies are using only about 4 percent to 11 percent of the funds they receive for R&D of IT on advancing network communications within the agencies...

Raising a Botnet in Captivity
From ACM News

Raising a Botnet in Captivity

Researchers created their own, imprisoned, network of zombie computers to better learn how to take down those at large on the Internet.

'Synthetic Biology' Holds Promise, But Vigilance Needed
From ACM News

'Synthetic Biology' Holds Promise, But Vigilance Needed

Far more promise than peril lurks in "synthetic biology," the emerging technology of man-made life, a presidential panel reports yesterday.

Congress Hears Wikileaks Is 'fundamentally Different' From Media
From ACM News

Congress Hears Wikileaks Is 'fundamentally Different' From Media

The Justice Department would have no problem distinguishing WikiLeaks from traditional media outlets, if it decides to charge WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange...

Tracking Trick Shows the Web Where You Are
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Tracking Trick Shows the Web Where You Are

A new technique from Microsoft Research Silicon Valley could be used to target advertising to users' surroundings without their knowledge.

Word-Wide Web Launches
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Word-Wide Web Launches

New Google database puts centuries of cultural trends in reach of linguists.

From ACM News

To Attract the Next Google, the City Seeks a New College

Worried that New York City is not spawning enough technology-based start-up companies with the potential to become big employers like Google, city officials are...

From ACM News

Obama Administration Calls For 'privacy Bill of Rights'

The Obama administration released recommendations Thursday to better protect consumer privacy on the Internet, creating baseline guidelines for how companies...

Cyber Corps Enlists CS Students to Protect National Security
From ACM News

Cyber Corps Enlists CS Students to Protect National Security

Nearly 60 Florida State University graduate students in computer science will serve on the front line of defense in protecting the United States' information infrastructure...

Computer Spin Memory: Physicists Read Data Stored in Atomic Nuclei
From ACM News

Computer Spin Memory: Physicists Read Data Stored in Atomic Nuclei

University of Utah physicists stored data for 112 seconds in the "spins" of atomic nuclei. Their work is a step toward using spin memory for faster conventional...

An Exhibition That Gets to the (square) Root of Sumerian Math
From ACM News

An Exhibition That Gets to the (square) Root of Sumerian Math

Papyrus, parchment, paper ... videotape, DVDs, Blu-ray discs—long after all these materials have crumbled to dust, the first recording medium of all, the cuneiform...

Wireless at the Speed of Plasma
From ACM TechNews

Wireless at the Speed of Plasma

A new type of antenna could dramatically change high-speed wireless communications, miniature radar, and energy weapons. The antenna consists of thousands of diodes...

From ACM TechNews

Internet Community Incensed at 'government Only' Internet Governance Review

The U.N. Commission on Science and Technology for Development is creating a Working Group on Improvements to the Internet Governance Forum. The move has raised...

What Social Networks Reveal About Interaction
From ACM TechNews

What Social Networks Reveal About Interaction

Social network systems can reveal insights into how groups of people can efficiently analyze, filter, and use information to harness the wisdom of the crowd, according...

From ACM TechNews

Physical Protection For the Internet

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich researchers say that physical attacks on critical Internet infrastructures, such as servers and data hubs, could be...

From ACM News

U.s. Tries to Build Case For Conspiracy By Wikileaks

Federal prosecutors, seeking to build a case against the WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange for his role in a huge dissemination of classified government documents...
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