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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Google Goes to the Cloud For New Idea in Pc System

In the personal-computer industry, where things change fast, one fact has been a constant for years: There are two major, mainstream operating systems for consumers...

10 Ways a Digital Big Brother Can Be Good For You
From ACM News

10 Ways a Digital Big Brother Can Be Good For You

The opening passage from George Orwell's "1984" depicts a guy hustling up a stairwell that's plastered with giant posters of a man's face staring at him.

Maths Research to Improve Internet Reliability
From ACM TechNews

Maths Research to Improve Internet Reliability

The Internet Traffic-Matrix Synthesis project will help make Internet services more reliable and efficient by synthesizing Internet traffic matrices and enabling...

From ACM News

Appeals Court Holds Email Privacy Protected By Fourth Amendment

In a landmark decision issued today in the criminal appeal of U.S. v. Warshak, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the government must have a search...

Ibm Xeon-Based Supercomputer to Hit Three Petaflops
From ACM TechNews

Ibm Xeon-Based Supercomputer to Hit Three Petaflops

IBM plans to build an Intel Xeon-based supercomputer that will reach a peak speed of three petaflops and use a hot water-cooling system, which will result in 40...

From ACM TechNews

China Surpasses Japan in R&d as Powers Shift

China is expected to to spend $153.7 billion on research & development in 2011 and become the world's second biggest R&D spender, overtaking Japan and trailing...

At Siggraph Asia, the Sky Is the Limit
From ACM TechNews

At Siggraph Asia, the Sky Is the Limit

A focal point of SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 is the Computer Animation Festival, which features the best in computer animation and visual effects. The festival screens...

From ACM TechNews

Senator Proposes Cybersecurity Standards

U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) has introduced legislation that requires top government officials to determine whether it would be cost effective to mandate that Internet...

UCLA Receives $5.5m For Work on High-Speed, High-Capacity Memory
From ACM TechNews

UCLA Receives $5.5m For Work on High-Speed, High-Capacity Memory

UCLA researchers recently received a $5.5 million U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency grant to continue developing technology that could lead to low-power...

From ACM TechNews

Cryptographers Chosen to Duke It Out in Final Fight

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology has selected five Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-3) entrants as finalists for its competition to find a replacement...

WikiLeaks Reveals Everybody's Christmas List: The World Wants Drones
From ACM News

WikiLeaks Reveals Everybody's Christmas List: The World Wants Drones

Black Friday has passed, but the holidays are upon us and shopping days are increasingly few. Having a hard time finding the perfect gift for that tiny emirate...

Life Goes Online After Death with 'memory Boxes'
From ACM News

Life Goes Online After Death with 'memory Boxes'

The death of a close, elderly relative can often mean a sombre weekend or two going through old things, sorting through photographs, donating old clothes to charity...

From ACM News

I.b.m. Supercomputer 'watson' to Challenge 'jeopardy' Stars

An I.B.M. supercomputer system named after the company’s founder, Thomas J. Watson Sr., is almost ready for a televised test: a bout of questioning on the quiz...

From ACM News

Cryptographers Chosen to Duke It Out in Final Fight

A competition to find a replacement for one of the gold-standard computer security algorithms used in almost all secure, online transactions just heated up.

From ACM News

Robot Arm Improves Performance of Brain-Controlled Device

The performance of a brain-machine interface designed to help paralyzed subjects move objects with their thoughts is improved with the addition of a robotic arm...

The Shadow War
From ACM News

The Shadow War

Someone is killing Iran’s nuclear scientists. But a computer worm may be the scarier threat.

Rivals Say Google Plays Favorites
From ACM News

Rivals Say Google Plays Favorites

Search giant displays its own health, shopping, local content ahead of links to competing sites.

Sartre Car Platoon Road Tests to Begin
From ACM TechNews

Sartre Car Platoon Road Tests to Begin

The Safe Road Trains for the Environment (SARTRE) project in Europe has begun to integrate software and hardware into two vehicles that will be used in its first...

Multitouch Pioneer Jeff Han Starts to Think Small (devices)
From ACM News

Multitouch Pioneer Jeff Han Starts to Think Small (devices)

For years now, Jeff Han has been working on large-screen multitouch displays. Han and his company, Perceptive Pixel, are best known for creating the giant touch...

Single Quantum Dot Nanowire Photodetectors
From ACM News

Single Quantum Dot Nanowire Photodetectors

Moving a step closer toward quantum computing, a research team in the Netherlands recently fabricated a photodetector based on a single nanowire, in which the...
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