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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Army Researchers Study Computer, Human Networks

U.S. Army researchers are exploring the interactions between individuals that form the basis of computer and social networks in an effort to find feasible warfighting...

From ACM TechNews

China to Lead World in Innovation by 2020

China is on track to be the world's leading country in terms of innovation by 2020, according to an AstraZeneca survey of 6,000 people in six nations. China currently...

With Video Everywhere, Stark Evidence Is on Trial
From ACM News

With Video Everywhere, Stark Evidence Is on Trial

In a world that is always on camera, the centuries-old courtroom experience is becoming a lot more complicated.

Microsoft to Ramp ­p Browser Privacy
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft to Ramp ­p Browser Privacy

Microsoft says that Internet Explorer 9 will feature Tracking Protection, a privacy feature that will enable users to stop websites and Internet tracking companies...

Criminals Find the Key to Car Immobilizers
From ACM News

Criminals Find the Key to Car Immobilizers

For 16 years, car immobilisers have kept car thieves at bay, but that may now be changing.

Criminals Find the Key to Car Immobilizers
From ACM News

Criminals Find the Key to Car Immobilizers

For 16 years, car immobilisers have kept car thieves at bay, but that may now be changing.

Big Patent Firm Sues Nine Tech Firms
From ACM News

Big Patent Firm Sues Nine Tech Firms

Technology companies on Wednesday received troubling news that some had feared for years: Intellectual Ventures LLC has started suing.

Anonymous Hacktivists Say Wikileaks War to Continue
From ACM News

Anonymous Hacktivists Say Wikileaks War to Continue

A member of the Anonymous group of hackers, which has been targeting firms it sees as being anti-Wikileaks has said the campaign is not over.

From ACM News

High Hopes, Hard Realities for India's $35 Tablet Computer

The Indian government won headlines around the world when it unveiled a prototype $35 tablet computer in July, but questions are now growing over whether the...

Preventing Gridlock: Developing Next Generation Internet Infrastructure
From ACM TechNews

Preventing Gridlock: Developing Next Generation Internet Infrastructure

The MODE-GAP project is working to boost capacity of broadband networks 100 times by developing data-transmission technologies based on special long-haul transmission...

From ACM TechNews

Civil-Rights Panel Weighs in on Where Minorities Fare Best in STEM Fields

A recently released report that examined minority students' pursuit of degrees found that admissions preferences based on race led to more minority students giving...

Supercomputer Hunts Child Abusers
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputer Hunts Child Abusers

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers are using the Jaguar supercomputer to analyze Internet traffic, looking for clues that will lead law enforcement officers...

From ACM TechNews

Pay-As-You-Go Internet Plan From FCC Is Raising Questions

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission recently submitted a proposal that would regulate Internet providers, and includes a provision that would allow companies...

From ACM News

Cyberattacks Are Retaliation for Pressure on WikiLeaks

A small army of activist hackers orchestrated a broad campaign of cyberattacks on Wednesday in support of the beleaguered antisecrecy organization WikiLeaks,...

From ACM TechNews

Special Report

The current state of North American computer science education includes an upward trend in university enrollment for undergraduate programs, but also the erosion...

'smart' Hospital Beds Could Enhance Patient Care
From ACM News

'smart' Hospital Beds Could Enhance Patient Care

New research into hospital bed technology could soon represent a leap forward in patient care. A University of New Hampshire professor is negotiating with manufacturers...

Nsf Celebrates Computer Science Education Week 2010
From ACM News

Nsf Celebrates Computer Science Education Week 2010

The High-Low Tech research group at MIT's Media Lab seeks to engage diverse people in developing their own technologies. The research is part of the NSF-funded...

From ACM Opinion

"this Paper Should Not Have Been Published"

Scientists see fatal flaws in the NASA study of arsenic-based life.

Top Test Scores From Shanghai Stun Educators
From ACM News

Top Test Scores From Shanghai Stun Educators

With China’s debut in international standardized testing, students in Shanghai have surprised experts by outscoring their counterparts in dozens of other countries...

Wikileaks Armors Itself to Survive Cyberattacks
From ACM News

Wikileaks Armors Itself to Survive Cyberattacks

As its operations have come under increasing financial and political pressure, WikiLeaks has quietly bolstered its electronic defenses in an attempt to become...
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