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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Nano-Diamond Qubits and Photonic Crystals

Researchers in Germany have successfully fabricated a rudimentary quantum computing hybrid system that may allow integration of multi-qubit systems on a single...

Intelligent Detector Provides Real-Time Information on Available Parking Spaces
From ACM TechNews

Intelligent Detector Provides Real-Time Information on Available Parking Spaces

A Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya research team has developed a way to locate available parking spaces using optical and magnetic sensors. The researchers...

From ACM TechNews

Google Wave May Become an Apache Project

Google Wave's developers have submitted the software to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), making it a candidate to become a Podling included in the Apache Incubator...

With Better Sharing of Data Comes Danger
From ACM News

With Better Sharing of Data Comes Danger

The release of a huge tranche of U.S. diplomatic cables has laid bare the primary risk associated with the U.S. government's attempt to encourage better information...

Computers Get Help from the Human Brain
From ACM News

Computers Get Help from the Human Brain

Tapping into the processing power of the human brain could help computers with some tasks.

­idai: Inside the World's Largest Data Management Project
From ACM News

­idai: Inside the World's Largest Data Management Project

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is an Indian government body mandated with the task of assigning every single one of India's 1.2 billion citizens...

From ACM TechNews

European ­nion Funds Cloud Security Project

The European Union is funding Trustworthy Clouds, a research project aimed at developing a series of technical advances that will increase the security of cloud...

­c Breakthrough May Lead to Disposable E-Readers
From ACM TechNews

­c Breakthrough May Lead to Disposable E-Readers

University of Cincinnati researchers have developed a low-cost, paper-based, disposable e-reader. The researchers say the paper could be used as a flexible substrate...

Ahead in the Cloud
From ACM News

Ahead in the Cloud

Amazon's cloud computing has revolutionized American small business, but can Amazon beat rising competitors?

From ACM TechNews

Eu, ­S and Nato to Work Together on Cyber Defense

The European Union, the United States, and NATO have approved a range of new plans to meet cyberdefense challenges. The European Commission has announced proposals...

Out of Many, One In-Box
From ACM TechNews

Out of Many, One In-Box

Nokia is developing a universal in-box that collects messages and updates from different smartphone applications and organizes them in one location so users can...

Graduate Students Create Recyclable Laptop
From ACM TechNews

Graduate Students Create Recyclable Laptop

Graduate students at Stanford University and Finland's Aalto University have created a prototype of a recyclable laptop that can be disassembled in about 30 seconds...

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Link Most Spam to Only 50 Isps

The majority of spam messages come from a limited number of Internet service providers and countries, according to a study by researchers at Delft University of...

Wikileaks Files Detail ­.s. Electronic Surveillance
From ACM News

Wikileaks Files Detail ­.s. Electronic Surveillance

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered clandestine surveillance of United Nations leadership, including obtaining "security measures, passwords, personalWikiLeaks...

War Machines: Recruiting Robots For Combat
From ACM News

War Machines: Recruiting Robots For Combat

War would be a lot safer, the Army says, if only more of it were fought by robots.

Professors ­se Twitter in Foreign Language Teaching
From ACM News

Professors ­se Twitter in Foreign Language Teaching

Two professors at the University of South Carolina are using Twitter as a tool in teaching foreign languages.

From ACM News

In Class, Texting Is the New Doodling

Top classroom distraction surpasses doodling, daydreaming and note-passing.

The Birth of a ­.k. Tech Giant
From ACM News

The Birth of a ­.k. Tech Giant

British chip designer ARM will soon be 20 years old. Bill Thompson was there at the start.

From ACM News

Computing the Scene of a Crime

The use of fingerprints, shoeprints, handwriting, and other forensic evidence may seem like good science—but often it's not, as it relies heavily on humans for...

Privacy Groups Fault Online Health Sites For Sharing ­ser Data With Marketers
From ACM News

Privacy Groups Fault Online Health Sites For Sharing ­ser Data With Marketers

QualityHealth is a popular health Web site with more than 20 million registered users that offers online medical information and email newsletters on a variety...
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