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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Conversation With Ed Catmull
From ACM TechNews

A Conversation With Ed Catmull

Pixar Animation Studios president Ed Catmull says he once used realistic computer-generated animation as a goal because "doing it is so hard that it would help...

From ACM TechNews

A Minority Report Interface For the Rest of ­S

Two programmers have developed Toscanini, a free gestural computer interface that provides a connection between a user's movements and digital instruments such...

Rensselaer Team Shows How To Analyze Raw Government Data
From ACM News

Rensselaer Team Shows How To Analyze Raw Government Data

The Rensselaer Tetherless World Research Constellation has created a how-to primer on "mashing-up" the treasure trove of government Web data.

From ACM News

­niversity Analysis Suggests Limiting Exposure to Carbon Nanotubes

UC Berkeley researcher Mark Philbrick says that carbon nanotubes pose potential adverse health effects to humans and should be treated as if they are hazardous....

Openstudy Aims to Create Worldwide Study Group
From ACM News

Openstudy Aims to Create Worldwide Study Group

OpenStudy is a social media site that hooks up students from all across the globe, making the entire world a study group.

From ACM News

Israeli High Tech Adjusts to Asian Challenge

The emergence of India and China is casting a shadow on the developed economies of Europe and North America, and is also posing a challenge to Israel. Key players...

From ACM News

Illinois Students Build 33-Teraflop Cluster From Gpus

Students at the University of Illinois have built a supercomputer out of GPUs as part of a hands-on class. They expect the cluster to be ranked on the Green500...

Uic Researchers Paint on 20-Foot Electronic Canvas
From ACM TechNews

Uic Researchers Paint on 20-Foot Electronic Canvas

The University of Illinois at Chicago's  Electronic Visualization Laboratory maintains a video display wall with a resolution of 8,160 by 2,304 pixels. Recently...

From ACM TechNews

Ice and a Slice Makes Transistors More Precise

Transistors can be built more precisely by using ice as a mask, according to researchers at Harvard University. The ice lithography process resembles how computer...

New Standard Proposed For Supercomputing
From ACM News

New Standard Proposed For Supercomputing

A new supercomputer rating system, Graph500, tests a supercomputer's ability to analyze large, graph-based structures that link the huge number of data points present...

All Optical Transistor
From ACM TechNews

All Optical Transistor

Researchers at EPFL have built a device that acts like an optical transistor. The device uses an optical microresonator to trap light in a tiny glass structure...

From ACM News

It Is Finally Proven: Apple Users Are More Intelligent Than Pc Users

More than 2 millions PC users and Apple users took an Intelligence Test on the Intelligent Elite website. The results were quiet astonishing: Test takers using...

New Research Provides Effective Battle Planning For Supercomputer War
From ACM TechNews

New Research Provides Effective Battle Planning For Supercomputer War

Researchers have been studying and comparing the supercomputing systems in China and the United States to provide an analysis that will benefit the battle plans...

From ACM TechNews

­.s. Building Next Wave of Supercomputers

Both Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are building 20-petaflop supercomputer systems that are expected to ready in 2012....

From ACM TechNews

Chinese Supercomputer Overtakes Jaguar

China's National University of Defense Technology's Tianhe-1A supercomputer has taken the top ranking from Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Jaguar supercomputer...

Reaching for Sky Computing
From ACM TechNews

Reaching for Sky Computing

Researchers are developing tools to combine independent cloud computing environments to form an architectural concept dubbed sky computing by researchers at the...

From ACM TechNews

Army Avatars Join the Battle For Hearts and Minds

Researchers at the University of Southern California are developing realistic, immersive virtual-reality programs for the U.S. military in which the soldiers are...

Supercomputers 'will Fit in a Sugar Cube,' Ibm Says
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputers 'will Fit in a Sugar Cube,' Ibm Says

IBM researchers led by Bruno Michel have developed a water-cooling method for creating supercomputer processors that could shrink them to the size of a sugar cube...

Cerf Warns Over Address Space Squeeze
From ACM TechNews

Cerf Warns Over Address Space Squeeze

Google chief Internet evangelist Vint Cerf is raising the alarm about the effect the impending depletion of IPv4 addresses will have on the Internet. Once IPv4...

From ACM TechNews

R&d Gap Between Advanced, Emerging Economies Narrows: ­nesco

The science/technology gap between emerging and developed economies is closing due to increased R&D investment, according to UNESCO's 2010 Science Report. 
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