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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Berners-Lee: Social Networks Are a 'threat to the Web'

Social networks pose a threat to the Web because they capture and reuse users' information rather than share it with other sites, says Sir Tim Berners-Lee. He...

Crossing the ­ncanny Valley
From ACM TechNews

Crossing the ­ncanny Valley

Developers of robots and computer-generated films face the difficult task of making their creations as human as possible without looking too human, a perceptual...

From ACM TechNews

New IBM Architecture Doubles Analytics Processing Speed

IBM recently revealed details about a new storage architecture design that it says can double analytics processing speed. IBM says the architecture can convert...

Distributed Computing in a Wireless Environment
From ACM TechNews

Distributed Computing in a Wireless Environment

Virginia Tech researchers have launched a proof-of-concept study to develop highly connected computer systems that work in a wireless environment. The study is...

Technology Puts Mind Over Body
From ACM TechNews

Technology Puts Mind Over Body

Researchers working on Mahidol University's iThink2 project have developed a brain computer interface that controls electronic devices with brain signals and could...

From ACM TechNews

Joint Project to Create a Processor the Size of a Molecule

The European Union will launch a project to build a single molecule processor chip. The Atomic Scale and Single Molecule Logic Gate Technologies project will establish...

Top Scientist ­rges 'ambitious' ­.s. Exascale Supercomputer Plan
From ACM TechNews

Top Scientist ­rges 'ambitious' ­.s. Exascale Supercomputer Plan

Peter Beckman, director of the DOE's Exascale Technology and Computing Institute, says the United States needs to make a sizable push to open up funding resources...

Security Needs Drive Cyberforensics Industry
From ACM News

Security Needs Drive Cyberforensics Industry

Cyberforensics, the science of finding and securing digital evidence buried deep within company networks, is fast emerging as a global industry.

Shunned Profiling Technology on the Verge of Comeback
From ACM News

Shunned Profiling Technology on the Verge of Comeback

One of the most potentially intrusive technologies for profiling and targeting Internet users with ads is on the verge of a comeback, two years after an outcry...

Analysing Data Is the Future For Journalists, Says Tim Berners-Lee
From ACM News

Analysing Data Is the Future For Journalists, Says Tim Berners-Lee

Inventor of the World Wide Web says reporters should be hunting for stories in datasets.

President Obama Awards Annual National Medals of Science
From ACM News

President Obama Awards Annual National Medals of Science

President Obama presented 10 researchers with United States' highest technical and scientific award, and said that celebrating their contributions was "one of...

A Matter of Privacy
From Communications of the ACM

A Matter of Privacy

Do consumers have enough control over their personal information or is more government regulation needed?

The New Face of War
From Communications of the ACM

The New Face of War

With the introduction of the sophisticated Stuxnet worm, the stakes of cyberwarfare have increased immeasurably.

CSEdWeek Expands Its Reach
From Communications of the ACM

CSEdWeek Expands Its Reach

The second Computer Science Education Week is showing students, parents, and educators why computer science is important.

Topic Models vs. Unstructured Data
From Communications of the ACM

Topic Models vs. Unstructured Data

With topic modeling, scientists can explore and understand huge collections of unlabeled information.

The Eyes Have It
From Communications of the ACM

The Eyes Have It

Eye-tracking control for mobile phones might lead to a new era of context-aware user interfaces.

From ACM TechNews

'fingerprint' Software to STEM Cyber Crime

GuardInQ, new digital fingerprinting software developed by researchers at Edinburgh Napier University, offers closed-caption TV-style monitoring of online systems...

Organ Network ­ses Algorithm to Match Live Kidney Donors With Recipients
From ACM TechNews

Organ Network ­ses Algorithm to Match Live Kidney Donors With Recipients

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed an algorithm that matches living kidney donors with compatible transplant recipients, and initiated a pilot...

From ACM News

H-1b at 20: How the 'tech Worker Visa' Is Remaking It in America

The H-1B visa program turns 20 years old this month. Not everyone in IT is saying 'Best Wishes.'

'nowhere to Hide': ­.s. Army Testing New 'smart' Weapons in Afghanistan
From ACM News

'nowhere to Hide': ­.s. Army Testing New 'smart' Weapons in Afghanistan

The XM-25 soon will see combat; precision rounds can be programmed to explode before impact.
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