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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Study: Servers Run Well Around Zero Degrees
From ACM TechNews

Study: Servers Run Well Around Zero Degrees

Researchers in Finland are studying the use of outdoor air to cool data centers in northern climates. They have been running servers in a tent on a roof terrace...

From ACM TechNews

Report: Poor Science Education Impairs ­.s. Economy

"Rising Above the Gathering Storm," a new report released before a U.S. Congressional committee, found little improvement in K-12 technical education in the United...

Turning Thoughts Into Words
From ACM TechNews

Turning Thoughts Into Words

University of Utah researchers are developing a brain-computer interface that provides a way to communicate for people who are unable to talk or move but are awake...

From ACM TechNews

FCC Opens Unused TV Airwaves to Broadband

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has passed a proposal to make vast swaths of idle TV broadcast airwaves available for high-speed wireless broadband...

Black Computer Scientists in Academe: An Endangered Species?
From ACM TechNews

Black Computer Scientists in Academe: An Endangered Species?

African-Americans account for just 1.3 percent of computer science faculty at U.S. colleges and universities, and only 1.6 percent of computer science doctorate...

From ACM TechNews

Scientists Work Together to Move Robotics Forward

Arizona State University researchers are developing next-generation robotic devices with greater intelligence and autonomy. 

From ACM News

PARC, Which Laid Foundation for PC Revolution, Turns 40

PARC—the Xerox-backed research institution that laid the foundation for the personal computing revolution—is celebrating its 40th anniversary, but the fabled...

From ACM News

Researchers Design Tool to Improve Wikipedia Accuracy

A team of University of Iowa researchers has developed a new tool that detects potential vandalism on Wikipedia and can help improve the accuracy of the online...

From ACM News

An Army of Tech-Savvy Warriors Has Been Fighting Its Battles in Cyberspace

They were Air Force fighter pilots, Army rangers and Marine tank commanders. There was even a Navy fighter jet radar officer who had been taken prisoner during...

PRoViScout: ESA and NASA Develop an Independent Mars Exploration System
From ACM News

PRoViScout: ESA and NASA Develop an Independent Mars Exploration System

Researchers from across Europe—with a little help from experts at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory—are working on a new, robotic exploration system that could...

Researchers Provide Insight Into the Impacts of Too Much Communication
From ACM News

Researchers Provide Insight Into the Impacts of Too Much Communication

Individuals within a networked system coordinate their activities by communicating their position, speed, or intention. This communication will pnly increase...

From ACM News

Software Forensics Tools Enter the Courtroom

As litigation over software in the United States and elsewhere has skyrocketed, automatic software forensics tools that can quickly and accurately uncover illicit...

From ACM News

Is 4G Wireless Enough to Sate Consumers?

As data traffic explodes on wireless networks thanks to smartphones and other connected mobile devices, 4G wireless technology is expected to solve mobile operators'...

Everyday Robot Helpers Could Be Affordable in a Decade Or Less
From ACM News

Everyday Robot Helpers Could Be Affordable in a Decade Or Less

Cornell University Assistant Professor of Computer Science Ashutosh Saxena envisions that "in five to 10 years, people will buy an assistive robot that will be...

From ACM News

Robotic Arm's Big Flaw: Patients Say It's 'too Easy'

One touch directs a robotic arm to grab objects in a new computer program designed to give people in wheelchairs more independence. University of Central Florida...

Cyberwar Chief Calls For Secure Computer Network
From ACM News

Cyberwar Chief Calls For Secure Computer Network

Gen. Keith B. Alexander,  commander of the U.S. military's cyberwarfare operations, is advocating the creation of a separate, secure computer network to protect...

From ACM News

Seeing the Internet As an 'information Weapon'

The United States and other world powers have agreed to arms control measures in recent years that limit the deployment and use of nuclear, biological and chemical...

From ACM News

Internet Said to Speed Development For Poor Nations

Internet technology drives economic growth and enables poor countries to develop at a faster pace than rich nations did, Cisco Chief Executive John Chambers,...

From ACM News

Eu Backs Universal Apps Project

A new European research project aimed at developing technology that will allow applications to be delivered across a wide range of connected environments including...

Future Online Password Could Be a Map
From ACM TechNews

Future Online Password Could Be a Map

AT&T researcher Bill Cheswick believes maps could serve as passwords for computer users. Cheswick says computer users could memorize a spot on a satellite photo...
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