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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Nist Data Sets Enable Technical Basis For High-Rise Evacuation Planning

Researchers at NIST are stepping up the pace for designing safer building evacuations by releasing large, numerical datasets tracking the movement of people on...

From ACM News

A­RP Awards Recognize Outstanding Research and Science Parks

The Association of University Research Parks (AURP) announces their 2010 Annual Awards of Excellence and names Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center in Blacksburg...

New Approach to Quantum Computing Devised in the U.K.
From ACM News

New Approach to Quantum Computing Devised in the U.K.

A team of expert led by physicists from the University of Bristol announced the development of a new approach to conducting quantum computing. The team believes...

Hrp-4 Robot Can Strike a Pose, Pour Drinks
From ACM News

Hrp-4 Robot Can Strike a Pose, Pour Drinks

Japan has added another soldier to its humanoid robot army. The HRP-4 is the latest edition in the state-backed humanoid project.

Three Teams Share $10 Million Purse in Automotive X Prize Competition
From ACM News

Three Teams Share $10 Million Purse in Automotive X Prize Competition

Three teams were awarded a share of the $10 million purse in the Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE for Super Fuel-Efficient Vehicles.

Obama Expands 'educate to Innovate' Campaign to Improve STEM Education
From ACM News

Obama Expands 'educate to Innovate' Campaign to Improve STEM Education

President Barack Obama announced Thursday (September 16) the launch of Change the Equation, a CEO-led effort to dramatically improve science, technology, engineering...

Archer Fish Can See Like Mammals
From ACM TechNews

Archer Fish Can See Like Mammals

Computer scientists at Ben Gurion University of the Negev trained archer fish to spit at images of insects on a liquid crystal display screen, then used images...

European Partnership Funds Research Toward Robot Aides for the Elderly
From ACM TechNews

European Partnership Funds Research Toward Robot Aides for the Elderly

A team of researchers from 20 European states, the European Union, and several private enterprises recently launched a project aimed at developing robots capable...

From ACM TechNews

Commissioner Kroes Wants to Include Developing Countries in Internet Governance

European Union digital agenda commissioner Neelie Kroes wants countries with emerging economies to have more say in Internet governance since they will soon have...

NC State Receives Grant To Study Artificial Intelligence In The Classroom
From ACM News

NC State Receives Grant To Study Artificial Intelligence In The Classroom

North Carolina State University recently received a four-year, $3.5 million grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to explore using artificial intelligence...

From ACM News

Researchers Team Up With Schoolteachers on Web-Based Instruction System

A $2.5 million grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to Florida State University will fund the creation of an electronic performance support system...

From ACM News

Nist Finalizes Initial Set of Smart Grid Cyber Security Guidelines

NIST has issued its first Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security, and additional information for crafting strategies to protect the modernizing power grid from...

Peripheral Developers Are Key Contributors to Open-Source Projects, Study Finds
From ACM News

Peripheral Developers Are Key Contributors to Open-Source Projects, Study Finds

An information systems researcher at the University of Arkansas has found that peripheral developers outside the core development team make significant contributions...

Home's Electrical Wiring Acts as Antenna to Receive Low-Power Sensor Data
From ACM News

Home's Electrical Wiring Acts as Antenna to Receive Low-Power Sensor Data

Using a home's electrical wiring as a giant copper antenna enables extremely low-power wireless sensors that run for decades on a single watch battery. The device...

A Professor
From ACM News

A Professor

At this time of year, students are buying textbooks and looking for ways to avoid reading them.

From ACM News

Pi record Smashed As Team Finds Two-Quadrillionth Digit

A researcher has calculated the 2,000,000,000,000,000th digit of pi—and a few digits either side of it.

Intel Will Teach Gadgets to Learn About You
From ACM News

Intel Will Teach Gadgets to Learn About You

Rather than teach your gadgets what to do, Intel researchers say that in the not-too-distant future they will learn about you on their own. That means where you...

From ACM News

Nano-Based Marker Designed to Thwart Counterfeit Products

Nanotechnology advances at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock have been licensed to two new businesses that will market a solution to a $600 billion global...

From ACM News

Officials In The Dark About Voting Machine Glitches

Problems with voting machines are still popping up 10 years after the controversial presidential vote in Florida.

New Gadgets to Solve Fat Finger Fumbles
From ACM TechNews

New Gadgets to Solve Fat Finger Fumbles

Scientists such as Hasso Plattner Institute professor Patrick Baudisch are developing new gadgets that may eliminate small keyboards and other problems that make...
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