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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Pentagon Bomb Squad Backs Super Snipers, Mini-Bots, Secret Spy Tech
From ACM News

Pentagon Bomb Squad Backs Super Snipers, Mini-Bots, Secret Spy Tech

"Devil Pup" robots. Super sniper scopes. Secret signals intelligence sensors. Flying spies to find buried threats. Campaigns to influence the media behind the...

Island Dreams to Become Virtual Reality
From ICT Results

Island Dreams to Become Virtual Reality

A European research project will update three-dimensional versions of Mediterranean islands automatically with current information from a range of public and private...

From ACM News

Gadget for N.F.L. Stadiums Vies for Fans' Inattention

For football spectators, a device called FanVision might be nirvana—or it might turn them into stadium versions of zombies who stumble down streets staring mesmerized...

Australia's Education Departments Go Wild For the Ipad
From ACM News

Australia's Education Departments Go Wild For the Ipad

Schools and universities around Australia have jumped headfirst into trials of Apple's hyped iPad tablet as they rush to discover exactly the device's use in the...

British Chip Designer Prepares For Wider Demand
From ACM News

British Chip Designer Prepares For Wider Demand

Near the southeastern edge of Cambridge, where this idyllic university town gives way to fields of green, sits the headquarters of ARM Holdings. Neither the modest...

Virtual CS School Educates a Record Number of Participants
From ACM News

Virtual CS School Educates a Record Number of Participants

Over 1,000 graduate students and researchers registered for courses offered by the Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering this summer. The courses...

From ACM News

Progress Toward Terabit-Rate High-Density Recording

Next-generation high-density storage devices may keep more than 70 times the contents of the entire U.S. Library of Congress on a single disc—but only if that data...

Rdav and Nautilus Enter Full Production
From ACM TechNews

Rdav and Nautilus Enter Full Production

Nautilus, a high-performance computer that will be used for visualizing and analyzing large datasets at the Remote Data Analysis and Visualization Center (RDAV)...

From ACM News

Sensor Networks Top Social Networks For Big Data

The Internet of Things—with sensors that monitor, for example, road use or airline flights—is poised to dwarf social media sites in its ability to generate data...

Watching Electrons Move in Real Time
From ACM News

Watching Electrons Move in Real Time

Research published in The Journal of Chemical Physics describes the emerging technique of X-ray powder diffraction, which has been used to map the movement of electrons...

IBM Ceo: Smart Grid Is Internet of Things
From ACM News

IBM Ceo: Smart Grid Is Internet of Things

In a rare public speaking occasion, IBM CEO Sam Palmisano said that today's energy infrastructure needs to be further digitized and focused on the end consumer...

From ACM News

Certain Doped-Oxide Ceramics Resist Ohm's Law

A group of researchers in England and Spain has discovered that certain barium titanate ceramics do not follow Ohm's Law. Applying a voltage to them gradually changes...

Sensors Use Building's Electrical Wiring as Antenna
From ACM News

Sensors Use Building's Electrical Wiring as Antenna

The trick lets sensors last five times as long between charges.

From ACM News

Nctu Creates Brain-Computer Interface

The National Chaio Tung University in Taiwan last week unveiled a portable, multi-channel brain-computer interface named "MINDO," an intermix of computer-generated...

For Deaf, Wireless Devices a New Portal to World
From ACM News

For Deaf, Wireless Devices a New Portal to World

Quietly over the last decade, phones that make text messaging easy have changed life profoundly for millions of deaf people.

Magical Beans: New Nano-Sized Particles Could Provide Mega-Sized Data Storage
From ACM TechNews

Magical Beans: New Nano-Sized Particles Could Provide Mega-Sized Data Storage

Berkeley Lab researchers have discovered a new class of phase-change materials that could be applied to phase-change random access memory technologies and possibly...

From ACM TechNews

Lead By Women in Graduate Degrees Doesn't Extend to It

Women received 60 percent of the master's degrees and 50.4 percent of the doctorates in the 2008-09 academic year, but degrees in computer and information sciences...

From ACM TechNews

UTD Team Evaluating Facial Recognition Techniques

University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) researchers are working with the U.S. Department of Defense to find the most accurate and cost-effective way to recognize individuals...

New Wave: Spin Soliton Could Be a Hit in Cell Phone Communication
From ACM TechNews

New Wave: Spin Soliton Could Be a Hit in Cell Phone Communication

NIST researchers say they have discovered a new way to generate the high-frequency waves used in modern communication devices, which could lead to the development...

From ACM TechNews

Technology in the Extreme

Researchers at Newcastle University's Centre for Extreme Environment Technology have developed radio transmitters that can withstand temperatures of up to 900 degrees...
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