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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Quantum Crypto Products Cracked By Researchers

A European research team has shown that commercial implementations of quantum key distribution (QKD) are subject to eavesdropping with off-the-shelf materials. 

DARPA Wants to Create Brainiac Bot Tots
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Wants to Create Brainiac Bot Tots

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is funding scientist Shane Mueller's efforts to expand upon the Turing test as part of an attempt to...

­.s. Stimulus Funding Is Boosting Innovation
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Stimulus Funding Is Boosting Innovation

The White House recently published its first analysis of the impact of the ARRA stimulus package on advances in science, claiming successes in funding innovation...

From ACM TechNews

Navigation App Gives You Freedom to Explore

Swansea University's Simon Robinson and colleagues have developed a smartphone navigation application that gives pedestrians the opportunity to explore unfamiliar...

Computer Scientist Puts NSF Funding to Work for More Reliable Computing
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientist Puts NSF Funding to Work for More Reliable Computing

University of California, San Diego professor Yuanyuan Zhou recently received several grants for research projects aimed at making computer systems more reliable...

From ACM News

The Big Promise of Big Data: What You Need to Know Today

In the never-ending quest for a competitive advantage, organizations are turning to large repositories of corporate and external data to uncover trends, statistics...

Anticensorship Tool Proves Too Good to Be True
From ACM News

Anticensorship Tool Proves Too Good to Be True

Experts warn that the software could identify those it claims to protect.

Campusreader Aims to Turn Electronic Tablets Into Tools
From ACM News

Campusreader Aims to Turn Electronic Tablets Into Tools

The iPad, Kindle, and other electronic reading tablets may prove to be game-changers to help people overcome barriers to effective reading and comprehension, say...

Tim Berners-Lee Calls For Free Internet Worldwide
From ACM News

Tim Berners-Lee Calls For Free Internet Worldwide

Tim Berners-Lee said that he would like to see everybody given a low-bandwidth connection "by default."

Intel Puts Game Physics in the Cloud
From ACM News

Intel Puts Game Physics in the Cloud

Simulating the physics of light makes for games that better mimic the real world.

From ACM News

Database Helps Researchers Identify Drug Targets

Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine have developed a new computational method that will provide scientists with a better mechanistic understanding of...

Scientists Reveal Battery Behavior at the Nanoscale
From ACM News

Scientists Reveal Battery Behavior at the Nanoscale

As industry seeks improved battery power sources, cutting-edge microscopy performed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory is providing...

From ACM TechNews

Why Isn't the Price of Broadband Obeying Moore's Law?

A new index from researchers at Northwestern University shows that the explosive pace in adopting broadband Internet access since 2004 has not led to a decline...

Cern Collides With a Patent Reality
From ACM TechNews

Cern Collides With a Patent Reality

Previously reluctant to patent the inventions, the CERN particle physics laboratory  recently struck a deal with the World Intellectual Property Organization to...

From ACM News

Steampunk Chip Takes the Heat

Steampunk, the reimagining of modern day technology through a Victorian perspective, has found an unlikely follower in the US Defense Advanced Research Projects...

From ACM News

Pew Study: We've Got Phone Apps, But Not All of ­S Are ­sing Them

Thirty-five percent of adults in the United States have "apps," or software programs on their cell phones now, but only 24 percent of them are actually using...

From ACM News

Computer in Wrapping-Paper Form

Investigators SUNY Binghamton are giving factory production of solar energy cells a modern makeover. Their new approach includes the use of "continuous electronic...

From ACM News

Darpa Wants You To Build An Anti-Secrecy App

Usually the Pentagon expends time and technological effort to protect information. But now the far-out researchers at Darpa are looking for a few good futurists...

From ACM News

Online Newsletter Targets Informatics Professionals

The Standards Standard online newsletter has been launched by the American Medical Informatics Association for health professionals working in the global informatics...

From ACM News

The Next Stage of Online Video Evolution

HTML5 is changing the look of Web video, but can it edge out Flash?
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