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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Cern Collides with a Patent Reality

You might imagine that vast patent royalties flow into the organisation that invented the touchscreen and the World Wide Web. But the atom-smashing outfit CERN...

Some Newspapers, Tracking Readers Online, Shift Coverage
From ACM News

Some Newspapers, Tracking Readers Online, Shift Coverage

In most businesses, not knowing how well a particular product is performing would be almost unthinkable. But newspapers have always been a peculiar business,...

Scientists Decode Words from Brain Signals
From ACM News

Scientists Decode Words from Brain Signals

In an early step toward turning the thoughts of severely paralyzed people into digitized speech, University of Utah researchers translated brain signals into...

Bringing Engineering to K-12 Classrooms
From ACM News

Bringing Engineering to K-12 Classrooms

With support from the U.S. National Science Foundation, engineers from Tufts University are bringing engineering to young students through STOMP, the Student...

From ACM News

Computer Scientists Leverage Dark Silicon to Improve Smartphone Battery Life

A new smartphone chip prototype under development at the University of California, San Diego will improve smartphone efficiency by making use of "dark silicon"—the...

How to Remake Life
From ACM News

How to Remake Life

Venter Institute researchers have made the first viable cell with a synthetic genome.

How Coders Can Help Fight Climate Change
From ACM TechNews

How Coders Can Help Fight Climate Change

University of Toronto professor Steve Easterbrook has issued a research paper in which he outlines how software engineers can help climate scientists build computer...

Researchers Create Robot That Can Pair, Fold Socks
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Create Robot That Can Pair, Fold Socks

University of California, Berkeley researchers have developed a robot that can pair and fold socks. The robot can determine whether a sock is inside out based on...

From ACM TechNews

Vulnerability in Commercial Quanto Cryptography

Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light have...

FCC Seeks More Input on Wireless Internet Rules
From ACM TechNews

FCC Seeks More Input on Wireless Internet Rules

The FCC recently asked for more feedback regarding whether regulations should apply to wireless Internet service, adding months of debate on the subject. The FCC...

How Internet Growth Is Playing Out in Top Emerging Markets
From ACM News

How Internet Growth Is Playing Out in Top Emerging Markets

The number of Internet users in the top emerging markets is set to nearly double by 2015—a pace of growth that sounds enticing but that actually presents plenty...

Season For High Science
From ACM News

Season For High Science

Hurricanes on both coasts are test beds for new forecasting tools.

Researchers Develop New Piezoelectric Logic Devices
From ACM News

Researchers Develop New Piezoelectric Logic Devices

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a new class of electronic logic device in which current is switched by an electric field generated...

From ACM News

Nsf Funds Expedition Into Software For Efficient Computing of Nanoscale Devices

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded a $10 million, five-year grant to researchers who will explore software-assisted monitoring of system components...

Rensselaer Professor Wins Hp Innovation Award
From ACM News

Rensselaer Professor Wins Hp Innovation Award

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute professor of computer science Mohammed J. Zaki has been recognized by the 2010 HP Labs Innovation Research Program for his work...

Only in Japan, Real Men Go to a Hotel With Virtual Girlfriends
From ACM News

Only in Japan, Real Men Go to a Hotel With Virtual Girlfriends

Dating-simulation game a last resort for honeymoon town and its lonely guests.

From ACM TechNews

Fcc Adjusts Final Rules on Use of Vacant Tv Band

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission is close to passing a proposal that would free up the vacant spectrum between TV channels, which would allow technology...

Building the Future Internet
From ACM TechNews

Building the Future Internet

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign professor Tarek Abdelzaher and his team are working with researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles and...

Sizing Samples
From ACM TechNews

Sizing Samples

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers led by graduate student Vincent Tan have taken an initial step to determine how much data is enough to support...

From ACM TechNews

CMU Will Develop Architecture That Makes Internet Secure, Smart

The U.S. National Science Foundation will fund a $7.1 million project led by Carnegie Mellon University researchers to develop a next-generation Internet architecture...
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